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Everything posted by Sergeant_Dip

  1. Sergeant_Dip


    Berrick grew up on a small farm near Senntisten, in a family of Kaedrin influence. When he was still young, at the age of 13, a small outlaw group of orcs attacked his home. His father quickly ran outside to negotiate with the beasts, but he was cut down before he could plead. His older brother, Tyran, stood not far behind their father, equipped with a small dagger. As Berrick hid behind the fence post, he watched in horror as his brother was killed right in front of him. He hid as they looted the house, his mother had left earlier to buy some meat from the town butcher, about 8 miles north. Three months later, the death of his family still fresh on his mind, and a hatred for orcs brewing, he begun to train himself to fight.
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