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Everything posted by mat985

  1. mat985


    Tethrin Thanar is a 43-year-old snow elf. He is not pure a pure-bred Mali’fenn because his haelun is a Mali'fenn and his maln being a Valah. Thankfully the only valah trait Tethrin inherited from his father was his eyes, which are hazel. Tethrin never got to meet his grandparents from both sides of his family until later in his upbringing, when both his mar’haelun and mar’maln from his mother and his grandparents on his father’s side disagreed with the relationship, which influenced young Tethrin. Being a half breed meant that most kids at his age stayed away from him due to his non elvish eyes; and these interactions Tethrin blamed his mother and father, worsening their relationship when one day at the age of 20 after a heated discussion, Tethrin called his own mother a malieir mali (a traitor to elvenkind). After that Tethrin, left his parents to stay with his mar’maln. The time Tethrin spent with his mar’maln was... unhealthy, to the young elf, his mar’maln having been a hardcore nationalist, believing that the humans should pay in blood for what they had done to their people. Young Tethrin became a nationalist as well, however due to never seeing the true horrors of the genocide and only hearing tales of it from his grandfather, tales of barbaric nations that kill hundreds of snow elves, Tethrin had his doubts. In fact, he only wanted to fit in and be at peace with his kind and others outside their nation. During his early 30’s Tethrin decided that his duty was with the army, however he soon received new about his father’s death. During the funeral, Tethrin received his father’s final wish for Tethrin to know that he was sorry; sorry that he couldn’t give Tethrin the life he wanted for him; sorry for not being able to get close to his own son… His mother was more than happy to have her son back with her, where Tethrin continues to try applying himself for the Ivae’fenn.
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