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Everything posted by Arenaward

  1. Arenaward


    Tragedy and suffering played a very important part of Elhadron’s life since the moment he took his first breath. It all started with the death of his mother, Faelel, who couldn’t even whiteness her son’s first breath. From the moment he opened his eyes, his father knew he was a burden, a curse. After the sudden death of his wife, Gorthebon turned into an abusive alcoholic prick who took it as a responsibility to blame his son for his mother’s death. Elhadron never liked staying at home, he spent most of his time away from his home in the city of Okarn’thilln exploring the wild, discovering the unknown. He was very curious, always finding himself in some cave or an abandoned temple fiddling with things that were long forgotten. He loved life, in fact he was a very hopeful child… maybe it was his way of getting over his rough childhood and his abusive father. He had no friends, he didn’t need them, to him a friend can take any shape or form… a butterfly, a small flower, a pebble… doesn’t matter, all he needed was someone, or something, to listen to him. One day in one of his adventures in the wild, he came across a small cave; Elhadron being a very curious young man couldn’t resist the urge to go inside, and so he did. What he came across was a rather painful sight of a dead adventurer who seemed to have died from natural causes: peacefully leaning on the cave walls, his bow in his hand and a long-extinguished camp fire set up in front of him. The bow was made of dark oak wood with beautiful curves going along its length, silver lines run along the dark black wood drawing signs and symbols that he couldn’t understand. At this point he caught himself gazing into the bow, his eyes staring at every detail, immediately he thought to himself he can’t just take something that’s not his, but then again.. the bow’s owner is no longer in the realm of the living; So without any hesitation he took the bow and wore it on his back and left. When he arrived home late at night, his father was on the couch passed out with an empty bottle of wine in his hand. He took the opportunity to hide the bow under his bed, making sure his father never finds it; knowing his father, he would take it away and forbid him from using it. In the coming years Elhadron used to sneak out to the woods to practice his archery skills, shooting arrows at targets far from him; he knew that being a ranger is gonna be hard to achieve and so he practiced and trained every single day to keep him in good shape and ready to finish off enemies from far away. Sick and tired of his father’s attitude and alcohol addiction, Elhadron decided to run away from home, so he grabbed his bow and cloak, packed some rations and prepared himself for the adventure he was waiting for. Once he got out of the city, Elhadron, Fulfilling his dream of becoming a ranger and maybe visit Berr’lin the capital of Haelun’or, ventured on his own with nothing but his bow as a companion to explore both the world of arcas and himself, and has been out in the wild living on his own ever since.
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