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Everything posted by daredevl

  1. daredevl


    Born into a powerful dark elven household in a cave system that was discovered below the high elven city of Anni’sul. Drizzt was the third son born to house Do’urden and was set to be sacrificed as was tradition with third sons however, before his mothers knife could be plunged into his chest his older brother was killed in battle making Drizzt no longer the third son. During his early years Drizzt was taught and excelled in all forms of hand to hand combat as well as close quarters weapons, but was drawn to the dual scimitars as his weapon of choice and grew to be a master with his blades. After being raised in a vicious household that pushed immoral values and ethics that Drizzt didn’t agree with he attempts to flee his home. With that attempt to flee came the full blown wrath of his household who continued to seek and try to destroy him. When it seems remaining underground is no longer a viable option to avoid his family and violent past he travels above ground for the first time to continue his life in mostly solitude.
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