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Everything posted by Benregesh

  1. Benregesh


    I’ve updated my profile with what I hope is an acceptable flaw. It’ll definitely make getting around difficult. “I’m looking for Fenn.” ‘Buddy, you’re in Sutica. Can’t you read?” “About that...”
  2. Benregesh


    Kaneth remembered the frozen rivers. He remembered cutting his feet on sheer ice as he and his parents shambled toward the ships, waiting just beyond the glacial edge. He remembered when his mother plunged beneath the ice, disappearing into that frigid cold water, never to be seen again. And he remembered when the ship captain said there was only room for one more, so his father tossed him onto the boat without hesitation. And Kaneth remembered watching his father too disappear into the blizzarding storm. Kaneth would always remember, for he could never forget. When the ships landed, Kaneth made his home in Haense, building his life between its alleyways and narrow structures. He found work where he could, found a bed where he could, alternating between homelessness and hard labor for over ten years. But all the while, Kaneth’s memory burned. It burned after the cruel god that took his parents from him, it burned through the icy depression surrounding his life and misfortune, and it burned away any chance of him being satisfied with a simple life. For now, Kaneth works and waits. But he remembers Atlas. He remembers his parents. And he will never forget the cruel bastards that took it all from him. [I tried to make this fit in canonically with what seems to be in the wiki. Sorry if there are any errors on my part. I’m new to this world. Also, I tried to give him a backstory that lets me rp him in a “normal” setting, but also be able to give him stakes in anything larger that may happen. Let me know if I need to change anything.]
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