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Everything posted by Hevas

  1. Hevas


    The Beginning of Nemo Nemo was born on the road to two wandering traders. Little is known about Nemo’s parents for they left him soon after he was born in the outskirts of an unknown village. Nemo was cold and dying until a old man chasing his barking dog found him. He brought the newborn boy to the village square where everyone gathered to aid in Nemo’s health. With all the strength and will of the village Nemo survived, and the old man decided to adopt him. Nemo’s adoptive father was a farmer who worked till the sun went down, which meant when Nemo could walk, Nemo could work. Every night after work Nemo’s father would go to the village tavern and bring him along to hear the stories of traveling adventurers. Nemo dreamt of going on adventures like the passerby’s in the tavern, his favorite was the story of the fall of Aegis as horrible as it was. At the age of 19 Nemo’s father passed away in his sleep, and Nemo buried him in the outskirts of the farm near a creek, next to his dog, the same dog that helped find him. Nemo said the only prayer he’s ever spoke aloud and blessed the man with many thanks and tributes. Soon after Nemo gathered his things and looked at his home once more, and then headed to the tavern. At the tavern Nemo met man in leather and fur armor. The man smelled of death but still Nemo talked to him, the man was from a place called The Kingdom of Curonia in a land called Arcas. Intrigued Nemo asked if you he could travel with the man and learn the way of the traveler. It took some convincing but the man agreed and soon they were off. Nemo traveled with the man for years, until the age of 23 when the two were ambushed by bandits and the man was wounded and Nemo was taken by the men. Nemo awoke on the back of a horse with blood trickling down his face in an abandon field, He broke out of his binds and got off the horse. He saw the man and the bandits who attacked them dead on the ground. Nemo took the man’s sword and armor and buried the man atop a hill with several trees surrounding. Nemo thanked the man for saving his life and then he put on the mans armor, and sheathed his sword, and left with the horse. With nobody left by his side Nemo decided it was time to go to the one place he’s always dreamt of going, to Arcas. Opportunity awaited him, but more importantly, adventure.
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