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Everything posted by TheKiwi

  1. TheKiwi


    Powergaming is an action by a character that they would most likely not be able to complete. For example, if a young human with no combat experience was able to take down an orc by their actions/emotes. edited bio: Kalazar is a sellsword who resides in the North-Eastern regions of Arcas. Before his time in Arcas, he spent most of his days in Curon from Atlas. Nor he or his parents were well known, simply trying to make it through life while avoiding conflict. They had little money, but met ends meet with their small family farm. Kalazar grew up with his loving family and farm, so he loves to farm to this day as it provides many positive memories. Kalazar's parents were killed by Renatus during the war. After the war was over, Kalazar had went into hiding, avoiding all conflict even with the September Prince. He would spend his time hiding in the sewers. He would scrape together food from the rats there. Not pleasant, but what needed to be done. Now, it is time for Kalazar to re-emerge in the continent of Arcas.
  2. TheKiwi


    Kalazar is a sellsword who resides in the North-Eastern regions of Arcas. Before his time in Arcas, he spent most of his days in Curon from Atlas. Nor he or his parents were well known, simply trying to make it through life while avoiding conflict. Kalazar's parents were killed by Renatus during the war. After the war was over, Kalazar had went into hiding, avoiding all conflict even with the September Prince. Now, it is time for Kalazar to re-emerge in the continent of Arcas.
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