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Everything posted by DarkReactor

  1. DarkReactor


    Born to two middle class, respected Dark elves in the Druidic Order, Draas was the oldest of 7 kin. As a baby and toddler, Draas demanded attention incessantly and bellowed late into the night on many occasions. At the mere age of 11, raiders pillaged their house in the haunting night. After sounds of ear-piercing screams could be heard from his parents’ room, Draas attempted to gather his siblings to exit one of the windows. However, his mother had locked them earlier that night to prevent this very situation from occurring as raids had been more frequent in the past month. In that instant, Draas’ heart sank as the door swung open and the raiders laughed manically whilst stabbing furiously at his brothers and sisters. He was stabbed 4 times and fell to the floor, helpless to his siblings. Due to the commotion neighboring Dark Elves had arrived to fend off the raiders and, eventually, they were successful. Sadly, they were not quick enough to save Draas’ parents or 5 of his siblings. He was only saved because one of the rescuers heard his faint gasp for breath as he lay in agony. Sadly, he and his siblings had been too young to have had proper training in hand-to-hand combat as all Dark Elves are at young ages. After his recovery, Draas and his one surviving brother, Trowk, were taken in by a large manor that housed many orphans. He had never gotten to say goodbye to the lifeless corpses, though, as they had already been cremated when he awoke. Eventually, Draas and Trowk split ways and Trowk ran away after being tormented by most of the other orphans. Draas, however, remained quiet unless provoked and kept distant from all the other orphans. The only person he confided in was Malniour, the eldest Dark Elf and Druid Guide of the family. Even then, though, he kept some space in the event that Malniour died or abandoned him like his brother had. Due to this time he spent alone, Draas began training so that raiders could no longer hurt him or his new brothers and sisters. Late into the night, Draas could be heard huffing as he swung at dummies with a wooden sword. All the other children made fun of him behind his back but wouldn’t dare in front of his face as he had become much stronger and, in their eyes, quite formidable. After reaching what could be considered manhood (50), Draas set off to be truly isolated so he could train, hone his skills, and hopefully one day have a legacy which his ancestors may be proud of.
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