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  1. banjobojo


    Brenidel is daughter of Asra’il and Markip. She is 120 years young. She is the second born child and has always felt second in place to her older sister Abeei. She wants her family to be proud of her but has always been clumsy and not the strongest. But she knows she has the potential to earn her families respect! She left her family and friends many years ago at Ker'nor to find her true calling. She has learned on her own the skill of archery, and while traveling has become quite a skillful shot. Her current quest is to possibly go to Khel'seth to meet more of her own kind and look for someone to guide as she learns new skills. Her dark appearance makes strangers wary around her at first but then they see she has a kind heart and will fight for those she cares about, even to the death. News has come to her that her old home was destroyed in war. Unsure if her family is alive or not she continues her journey on a unknown path.
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