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  1. LucareDacier


    Abithia was born to a pair of low class dark elves near the outskirts the city of Presa de Madera. It was not an easy life for any of them, but they did their best, doing all they could to provide for each other. Abithia following her parents around trying to help when she could, working any job a person would be willing to give to an young elf. It wasn’t easy, but life never is. Despite it all, she was a happy child. As the years went by, Abithia’s parents had managed to scrape together enough money, to get a garden, to help lessen the amount spent on food, and soon, Abithia was put in charge of taking care of it. To her it was the most important job she could have, though she privately would have preferred continuing to work and gain more money. But she would not argue with her parents, at least now it gave her time to practice with her father’s flute, and dream away. She always thought about exciting adventures, traveling, and learning more about the world, about the islands that surrounded the place she called home, she wanted nothing more to go out and see it all. These daydreams had almost cost her a few times, having had her almost bump into a few lords, and almost over water some plants. But her dreams were her dreams and she was determined about making sure they came true. The night before her final birthday, her father told her that when she finally found where she was meant to be to come home, and tell them her tales. She promised them she would, and on the day of her 50th birthday, she left. She was quick to visit every place that she knew elves would call home, like the dream like halls of Fenn, to the pristine towers of Havelun’or. However visiting these places, hardly did anything for her, yes, they helped inspire songs, and comforted her in a small way, but as she traveled, none of the elven cities seemed to have that... spirit, that Presa de Madera did. Perhaps it was because Presa de Madera was made by humans, or perhaps it was because it was her home, that made these places filled with elves feel so cold. So, she packed her bags once more and began to track her way towards the nearest human city.
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