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  1. InteAdam


    Born on a Snow’s Maiden in the year of 1684 to lower class Heartlanders on Arcas, Lyndon quickly found himself neglected by his parents, he quickly found a deep interest in the sea and all the secrets it may hold. When he at the young age of 10 first left on a brief journey with his uncle who was captain of a ship he found within himself not just a desire but also a talent for traveling the seas those seas. It was not long after this journey that he made sure to find work on his uncle’s ship and made sure to stay on the seas as much as he possibly could. From this point on the role of parenting Lyndon slowly started falling almost exclusively on his uncle. But when Lyndon was 19 years of age his uncle perished in a drunken fight from a stab wound leaving a still relatively young Lyndon alone, but he would soon find out that the uncles ship had been willed to Lyndon himself. With the help of the uncles crew who had at this point become like a family he quickly learned the basics of being a captain and from then on lived almost entirely on the great seas away from Arcas. In the year of 1707 when he was‬ 23 years of age, Lyndon fell in love and subsequently married a wealthy elven woman on Arcas. However only 3 years later when Lyndon one day returned from a 4 months long journey at sea he found a note from his beloved where she expressed deep disappointment in his constant traveling and announced she had decided to leave him. He would never again see her after finding this note. After this Lyndon spent his longest time at sea yet, not seeing the shores of Arcas for four entire years. When he returned at the age of 30 he tried finding his old love again but to no avail. He soon began his normal shipping projects and travels again. At the age of 34 he shipwrecked and spent an entire year lost at sea until he was found stranded on a lone island through pure luck by a Farfolk ship. When they found him his right eye was a redish color and the other was grey indicating blindness in it. Lyndon however refuses to tell anyone what happened these years´, all he will say is that everyone on his crew passed away and that he is the only survivor.. He now returns to Arcas in the current year of 1719 swearing to never again sail and determined to start a new life in the land where he was born.
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