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  • Character Name
    Galion Nerdanel
  • Character Race
    High Elf

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  1. Galion was born to a High elf Father, Ianfin, and a Human Mother, Miranda. Ianfin was a simple librarian in a well off part of Lareh'thilln and grew up in that profession from his parents before him, but one day he met a woman he believed more beautiful than any other, her name was Miranda, but she was a human. Ianfin and Miranda grew to love each other, but Ianfin never let anyone else know about it in fear of being scorned from High Elf society. Eventually though they had a child, which that's when Galion came in, and they weren't able to hide their relationship anymore. A group of extremists ended up killing his mother and Galion was only still alive since his father took he and ran while his mother protected them. Even after they ran to another town and his father got a new job there, word began to spread about him and most people didn't want to do business with Ianfin anymore. He didn't necessarily hate Galion, but he did blame him for everything that had happened to him, so after Galion grew old enough to go on his own, he ran away. Galion eventually learned to live among the streets and became friends with the other kids and homeless people who lived out there, but he could never quite run away from his cross breed heritage and he would constantly get belittled and bullied for it. Galion never got very close with anyone else and never went back to his father, but maybe one day I'll go back and apologize for all the issues he caused him.
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