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Everything posted by TheKrispyCat

  1. TheKrispyCat


    Kalos is a descendant of monks, from a far seperated society in Nordengrad. Traveling far from his home, Kalos found those who worship Aeriel, and found he agreed with her ideals. He prayed for a long time for her assistance and magical ability but it was never delivered unto him. Since then he has decided that he wants to help others, and heal them in their times of need. Kalos plans to one day soon establish a tavern, to help others, and provide his services. He fears for his safety, by making himself known, as he has made enemies, but he feels that the good he could do, outweighs any personal risk. He also has a particalur admiration for the Paladins of Xan, as he believes that they stand for similar ideals as he, and simply approach it differently.
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