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Everything posted by PeasantCook

  1. PeasantCook


    Helra was born to a pair of hunters named Meera and Kevak Abyn, in Caras Eldar, who celebrated her live birth with friends and family(at least, what little biological family they had). From a young age she displayed a talent for academia that she never fully realized, having little interest in pursuing an education past basic reading and writing. Quick for an elf to change and develop, she still never quite grew out of this mindset as she moved on through her “early adult years”, at least by human standards. Instead in more recent years, much to the dismay of her parents, her interests began extending themselves beyond the city she was raised in. She never really kept to close to anyone, so there weren’t many farewells to be made, least not in her opinion, but a few family members she loosely recognized showed up to show her off, some asking why she felt the need to leave so early. Thinking of something on the spot, she simply said she had to get used to traveling around so others like her wouldn’t be confined to the city. She guesses that’s why she left, thinking back on it, but she really just needed some space.
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