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  1. SaintJaden_


    Immigration; a simple world that could mean a new start for so many people. Such was the case for Messiah’s parents prior to his birth, their names being Curtis and Jazmine. His parents migrated from the realm of Atlas, whilst pregnant with Messiah. Both of his parents worked were merchants, who set up shop upon moving to the Empire. Not too long after, Messiah was born, and has since stayed an only child. Throughout his childhood, he found that his family usually were reclusive; their outsider background provided them with the chance to view in lifestyles they weren’t accustomed too. However, his parents did not take this chance and kept to themselves, finding that the company of each other was enough to bear. Messiah on the other hand, thrived with this opportunity, soaking in the customs, beliefs, and lifestyles of the people around him in such a way to learn about them. He never allowed them to sway what he did at home, as his parents would have most likely disapproved of his actions. Messiah’s years through childhood came fast and left faster, only lingering in memories of pleasantry and blaring failures. Such as when his schooling would get increasingly difficult in content taught, leaving the young boy up at night through his studies to understand the lessons. This proved to be an experience that would ingrain the message of hard work, as Messiah took this with him throughout the rest of his education, something his parents made sure to put him through. Thus, as adulthood neared with the age of 18, Messiah left knowledgeable and cultured, having studied many religions, languages, and customs. (These subjects were only studied as recreational in nature as they passed as his hobby. Obviously, he was well versed in the core subjects of schooling.) However as Messiah left home with curiosity illuminating his mind, he found his companionship to be rather empty, as being a minority and outsider led to more visual experiences, rather than interaction and actually building connections.
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