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Everything posted by Girawesome43

  1. Girawesome43


    Revana grew up in Linadria to poor parents, who were too busy to properly look after her. She spent most of her adolescence wandering the streets, and finding the best ways to get around. She loved to people watch, and was especially fascinated with travelers who visited the city, and though she was often too shy to talk to them, she learned from them by observing. She learned how to hold a sword from a high elf who was showing off to a crowd of adoring ladies, and how to fall safely from an amateur acrobat traveling with a circus. When she was 17, Revana left her parents, feeling cut off from them and unloved. She resented the time they spent working and drinking rather than raising her and teaching her. Without a proper education, she barely knows the founder of the city she grew up in, Princess Titiana Hawksong. All her life, Revana has dealt with pretty heavy anxiety. Most of the time it sits in her chest, a buzzing energy that squeezes and makes it hard to breathe. When her anxiety is bad, she is quiet and withdrawn. When she is free from the buzzing chains in her chest she is happy, and joking. She opens up more, and her smile can light up the room.
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