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Everything posted by Qistaf

  1. Qistaf


    Quinn Istaf was originally born in Adria. He knew naught of his father, other than the stories his mother would tell him and his siblings. She worked long hours at a fishmongers in the central market, meaning that Quinn was left in the care of his oldest sister. They got on just fine, but Quinn often felt estranged from his family and made few friends. He felt that he lacked a true parent figure in the home and grew up to become quite an independent person. He would work alongside his mother, scaling fish from the age of 14. He gained quite a knack for the careful bladework required, and he developed steady hands from the work. At age 20, he became enamoured with a girl he met working at the tavern which he frequented. She was pretty, so the drunkards and old lechers would shout all manner of profanities at her. But Quinn wasn’t that way, and he treated her well. After many attempts at courting her with gifts, the girl went home with Quinn one night after work and they began to live together shortly thereafter. The girl became pregnant after a few months, and Quinn was devastated. He didn’t want to have children; he could barely even support himself. Quinn asked her to get rid of the baby and she said that she wouldn’t. Because of this, Quinn felt that it was time for him to leave the city which he was born in to see more of the world. He didn’t need to stay for his mother and sister, and he wanted to leave before he was tied down with children and a family of his own. As is often the case with father and son alike, he left everything behind and moved away. He now lives in Renatus, using his ability and knowledge with knives and small blades to earn a living selling them in the market.
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