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Everything posted by creeampea

  1. creeampea


    Sorry, my definitions got cut off. Powergaming is when a player forces impossible/unrealistic situations on another player which makes it impossible for the affected player to respond. For example, if a player were to have a broken leg but was suddenly able to easily jump across a ravine, this would be unrealistic because the player is injured. Metagaming is when a player uses information gained out of character to give their actual character an advantage. For example, if a player reads in the chat or discord that there is an event happening and then the player heads to this event, they are metagaming because the player’s character had no knowledge of this until they learned outside information.
  2. creeampea


    Aurea was born in the countryside within the kingdom of Haense to a young doctor and his wife. She was fortunate to have loving parents and an older brother named Radir who was like a best friend, and she frequently spent her days watching him practice his sword training. Hearing about opportunities in the city of Ves, the acclaimed ‘greatest city in the world’, Aurea’s mother and father packed up their family and belongings and moved into the city in 1709. Ves was very different from Aurea’s home and she found it difficult to adjust. She missed the openness of her home in the countryside and often she fantasized about disappearing into the night to return. Yet, Aurea was only a child of ten years and the fear of losing her family kept her in the city. Aurea and her family would be in Ves for only two years until the Sacking of Ves destroyed the city. When Emperor Antonius ordered his soldiers to march on the city, Aurea’s mother and father were one of the first civilian casualties. The street that held her home and many others was set ablaze by Imperial forces and Aurea watched the scene in horror. She had put off her daily responsibilities and had decided to entertain herself by exploring beyond the city gates. When she heard the chaos coming from inside the city, she ran as fast as she could back home but was unable to reach it due to a heavy amount of smoke and ash and the marching of the impending soldiers. Aurea was horrified by the scene around her. Heavy smoke filled her lungs and ash rained down and stuck to her. She could hear the screams of people burning in the buildings next to her and she could also hear the cries of people being struck down by soldiers further up the city. She stumbled around hazily until the sounds of her brother’s voice snapped her attention. He was telling her to run, to flee to some hidden place outside the city and to not journey back. Aurea did not want to go but Radir had violently grabbed her and flung her over the stone wall they had been near just as the Imperial Infantry had reached their section of the city. She could not find the strength to move from that stone wall. Foolishly, she peered into a small hole in the stone wall to see the body of her older brother, his own sword plunged through his stomach. Aurea ran, she ran until the sounds of the city faded behind her, until there was no more breath left in her body, until the day had ended and only the moonlight guided her. Aurea was found a week later by a group of people travelling to Curon. She had been covered in mud, blood, ash, and sweat and the clothes she had on had been burnt away in several places, leaving the rest of her clothing stained black from filth and soot. When the group arrived in Curon, she was left at an orphanage where she spent several years at until she fled one day into the night. As of the current year 1721, Aurea is now a wanderer. A person with no permanent home, friends, or family, she spends most of her time in solitude and only travels to major cities when in dire need. The Sacking of Ves is a very painful memory for her and although the Republic of Ves has now been founded, Aurea still does not dare travel there. Instead, she prefers to explore the world of Arcas and hopes to discover knowledge of alchemy and magic on her journey. She would eventually like to settle down in a home she feels safe in and she hopes that one day, she can find peace within herself.
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