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Everything posted by YahgrenUlfberht

  1. YahgrenUlfberht


    yes, i had hoped I would have the oppertunity to ask before hand, as i wished to provide a place name for the mountainside where the smithy was located. I am having trouble as to where the dwaves are currently located after the fall. am i to understand that the original location now lies in ruins, however i am having trouble in where they all decided to take up afterword, in relation to the world at large. I am in need of semi current dwarf/orc border, if that can be arranged that it also has a border with humans, even better but not a necessity. I have looked for such a thing, however it seems i am overlooking something obvious.
  2. YahgrenUlfberht


    A hammer beats against the anvil, coercing the lump atop it, slowly shaping it. The flags and horns of the Dwarves sound throughout the hold Yet the man who wields such a tool is not short nor stout. He is a large man, towering over his dwarven neighbors, hammering on an appropriately sized anvil and wielding appropriately sized tools. Gifts from his adopted parents. His lineage was one of smiths, that had held more kinship to the long lines of dwarves and to the human cities, and the dwarves welcomed them with open arms, outliving many generations of the Ulfberths His parents died when he was very young, or so his adopted father tells him. He speaks of his Father whom would always entrust him with his son in times of great peril, lest his smithy that lay nestled in the mountain side become overrun with orcs raiders. Every time he would go out to war, fighting along side the Irehearts, and would return bearing new scars and the spoils of war to reclaim his progeny. However, the time came when the night grew long and his father never returned. The greenskin war band claimed his parents, and his home. Therefore, being raised by Dwarves, Dwarven culture is all that he is ever known,, so his beard and hair grew long, braided and wild. His visits to the human settlement of Renatus, had solidifed his disate for his home race’s culture, and as soon as he stepped forth from the holds of Kal’Varoth he would long to return to his home amidst the mountain tops. His talent for construction, smithy and warfare was dsicovered and nurtured by his new parents, and as he grew so to did his skills. His hatred for the Greenskins festered, and as he returned his latest creation to the forge, he dreamt once more of an age of vengence, when his fellow Dawi would at least gather the throngs and march out from their holds, to wage war once more. He looked around and saw the fury burning in the breast of every dwarf, hidden and chained away. Long had the dwarven people suffered at the incompitencies of their own weak willed kin, and the savagery inflicted upon them from it without. he didnt need to say anything. It was not preached to the crowd, it was not taught by their state, no Dwarf spoke it aloud, when the Dawi began to Hate. An age of reckoning is coming. PLEASE NOTE: THE SKIN UPLOAD ISNT WORKING FOR MY SKIN, TRIED MULTIPLE SOURCES. -its just a bearded norse/dwarfy looking skin.
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