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Everything posted by Fredolator

  1. Fredolator


    Being born into a somewhat wealthy Qalasheen merchant family in the desert, Frederick was bored by the prospects of full-time business and wanted to explore the land and become an adventurer. This, combined with the fact that he valued physical knowledge and intelligence over worshipping any kind of god, caused him to be heavily disliked by his family. This included holidays such as The Day of Fasting and Menaphos, in which he did not celebrate or even attend with his family. During family gatherings, he would often shut himself away from his parents, who didn’t like their religion and way of life being insulted. However, when Frederick came to the age to inherit the mercantile trade, he rejected the offer and decided to go off into the world and become an explorer. His family happily let him take this decision, seeing as how they didn’t want him around anyway. They knew that Frederick wasn’t going to give his entire attention to the business, which was a threat to their family. He hasn’t made many friends along the way, seeing as how he was somewhat rude and very sarcastic, which drove most people away. Frederick has plenty of potential as an adventurer, seeing how he is intelligent and physically fit. And while he usually takes pride and puts effort into what he enjoys, he isn’t afraid to take the easy way out of a situation, if it presents itself. He currently seeks a new place to settle down and begin adventuring more seriously.
  2. Fredolator


    Claudius comes from a simple background, luckily having parents that are still alive, although they are ailing. He has found that magic can be used for evil like some people say, but can be used to cure and heal as well. He wants to learn as much as possible about the outside world, and become a scholar. He has a taste for music and art, but is not very good at painting or drawing. He comes from the Heartlands, and prefers to be by himself more than around large crowds. He tries to make trips to the capitals in order to study from their vast libraries, but isn’t always successful. While everyone else goes to the Church of the Canon, he stays behind, and is therefore treated as a heretic and an outcast. He would much prefer going to the market or studying than praying to a deity.
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