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Everything posted by Werner

  1. Werner


    Jeremiah was brought up in terrible conditions, his life has been ripe with poverty and otherwise degrading things. Starving for the first 14 years of his life as his family were mere farmers that had been struck by famine and plagues multiple times which rought havoc upon the harvest. Leaving a not so favourable situation. However, when he was 14 he decided to leave his small farm hovel near Kardasi by venturing out to explore some of the other nations of the world, such as Renatus-Marna, Haense and Adria. He found solace in some of these places - eventually, he decided he would settle in the lush fields of Haense, despite the harsh climate he found he could grow quite a lot of crops here during the summer due to the rip, fertile soile. He aims to seek a happy life after The War of The Two Emperors had just come to its conclusion under new regime and authority.
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