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Everything posted by DJGT

  1. DJGT


    I have changed "High-Ranking Captain" to "Distinguished Sergeant" in accordance with the pending application request.
  2. DJGT


    Bryson, son of Theorick, son of Crennich, is from what is now commonly referred to as the Princedom of Fenn, or Princedom of Mali'fenn as the locals refer to it. From a young age, Bryson seemed enamored with the bow, making his father joke that somewhere down the ancestral line that there must have been a wood elf in the ancestral tree. At age 40, Bryson was conscripted into the Mali’fenn military forces as is customary for those in the Fenn nation. He remained in the military for an entire century, becoming a Distinguished Sergeant in the Fenn Military Guard; until one day when on patrol outside the national capital, in the forest, a large raiding party comprised of Orcs, goblins, and halflings, jumped the patrol. The animosity and speed of which these “Creatures” moved was terrifying and stuck Theoson in place, as though the roots of a tree. The fact that sentient beings could be this malicious and cruel caused Bryson to fugue, and flee the battle, leaving his Legionnaires to deal with the bandits themselves, not knowing if any of those involved survived. This caused Bryson to spiral down, losing his honour, his friends, his position, and descended into a deep depression, mired of alcohol. Bryson, son of Theorick, now lives in the lower city of the Fenn Capital.
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