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Everything posted by JariS

  1. JariS


    Iam from Curon. I had a very bad childhood, my father was rich, but very strict and very stingly. When I was eleven, our House was attacked by thugs and the thugs took me as their hostage. They wanted too much money from my father, an my father didn't want to pay for me. I was their prisoner like for a month, until i was able to flee. I didn't want to go home again, so i survived by my own. I learned that you can not trust everybody, even not your family. I worked in a tavern to get some money, but one day they fired me. And for 2 Years now I live from animals I kill in the woods. And now, I try to get powerful using my clever mind. I want to get the most powerful one day, to show my Father that I can do something with my life. And then I want to execute him.
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