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Everything posted by Aaru

  1. Aaru


    Hello my name is Aaru I'm a high elf I live in the west near Arcas. I was abandoned by my mother when I was a baby after my father got killed in a war. I practice spells and study maps. I wish to learn magic and meet people in my travels. I've grew up on my own for the rest of my life. I don't know anyone I've avoided people and battles all my life. I'm to ashamed to ask for help so I steal..
  2. Aaru


    Hello my name is Aaru I'm a high elf I live in the west near Arcas. I was abandoned by my mother when I was a baby after my father got killed in a war. I practice spells and study maps. I wish to learn magic and meet people in my travels. I've grew up on my own for the rest of my life. I don't know anyone I've avoided people and battles all my life. I'm to ashamed to ask for help so I steal..
  3. Aaru


    I was an elf of light that's where my name came from... Aaru means peace. Im still nice though just confused and not wanted. I was born in Norland. I fought in battle that led to me losing touch to my magic but I will rise again.
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