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    Anal dowager duchess #9586
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  1. Anniowolf


    Hastur is a Heartlander, with filthy rich and very devout parents. Her parents often made her go to worship but she absolutely hated what the Church of the Canon taught. She often snuck out and made no attempts to be friends with any of the children there. At first, her family lived in Carolustadt, but decided to move to Helena, the capital of the Empire of Renatus. Her parents disliked the neighbors in Carolustadt. Eventually, she gave into society’s pressure and attended the church. After her parents died suspicious deaths at age 15, the church had offered to take her in, and she accepted. There, a bishop had begun teaching her about the ways of Canonism, and eventually becoming a great influence of her life. Unfortunately, the bishop was quite corrupt and soon, she began transporting and managing illegal drugs under the guise of being a priest in training. Soon, the business expanded, and all kinds of illegal materials became exported under the bishop. Until she decided enough was enough and proceeded to assassinate the bishop via toe stabbing. Now, she has power over both illegal and legal trading exports.
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