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  1. Micalius_Saptus


    Simple Backstory for my IG character My name is Micalius, a simple peasant boy raised by an intelligent and wise father. I was born in Renatus and raised a single child to Alex Saptus and Constantina Basius. Our family legacy has been kept a secret from me but what I do know is that my paternal grandfather served in the Norland army as a Captain. My father was a peaceful man but not weak, he could protect our family against raiders and thieves at any time. I dream of being as good as him, he was a great father to me. My mother Constantina was a beautiful woman, but not the brightest. Her temper and impatience passed down to me unfortunately but I've been able to suppress these bad habits, somewhat. My mother taught me how to read, write and how to behave in public. She bought me books about fantasy and science fiction. My father had a complicated past before he met my mother, he owed a sumptuous loan to some bad people from Norland so he fled to Renatus but wouldn't stay for long until he met that beautiful woman when he was in a tavern for a couple of drinks. My father was trained with the sword and he taught me many strategies and tricks, we even went out hunting some times. I never really went outside of Rennatus except when I went hunting and trading with merchants so i don't know much else about the rest of Arcas. Of course, I know about the Elves, dwarves, orcs, etc... After reaching the age where you are considered an adult I was given some coins from my father who is now an old and tired man I was sent to the Cloud Temple abruptly with no apparent reason or planning.
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