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  1. ailurandusk


    I hope I fixed it. If it’s still not good I will try again. ?
  2. ailurandusk


    A kept woman for most of her life, Adelaide was sold off when she was only 14. As a child bride growing up in Ves she had a very hard life with very little comforts. She’s dreamt for as long as she could remember about running away. The only times she was able to feel some sort of escape was when she was able to steal books to keep for herself and read in secret. She loved reading about adventures and fables but her favorite books were those that described great powers that could be channeled and controlled. One of her favorites was that of the powers of creatures called the Inferis and something called the Naztherak. To her, they had just been stories but one day when she was feeling particularly hopeless, helpless, and most strongly, angry, she decided to try her hand at channeling such power herself. To her surprise, it worked in her favor but quite unexpectedly; she had killed her husband. Shocked and scared but finally free, she packed light and fled immediately. While trying to collect herself at a local tavern she met a friend in a woman named Matilda. With no idea really what to do or where to go, she decided to travel with Matilda to find her own adventure.
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