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Everything posted by erdemjoe

  1. erdemjoe


    Arinar Aedor was raised by a family which believed that high elves were superior to other races. His family is not the first one to believe that though. When you look through his pedigree all of the older generations consist of high elves. They cared about the ‘purity’ of their kind therefore they all married a high elf so that their child wouldn’t be ‘polluted’. So they made sure that Arinor was a Mali'thill too. Arinar was raised in Silver City by his parents. He was always interested in arts. When he was young he drew things in his free time ( Some of them are still hanging inside his parents house) This passion in arts did not die when he was an adult too, but he drew paintings rarely when he was an adult. Maybe it was because of his attempt on avoiding cliche in his paintings. So he stopped drawing. After age of 70 Arinar stopped living with his parents, and moved to another house. He did this because he wanted to go on adventures from now on. Instead of living a peacefull life, and doing paintings; he decided to go on adventures an risk is life. So he borrowed a bunch of adventurer clothes, and started a new era of his life.
  2. erdemjoe


    Arinar Aedor was raised by a family which believed that high elves were superior to other races. His family is not the first one to believe that though. When you look through his pedigree all of the older generations consist of high elves. They cared about the ‘purity’ of their kind therefore they all married a high elf so that their child wouldn’t be ‘polluted’. So they made sure that Arinor was a Mali'thill too. Arinar was raised in Silver City by his parents. He was always interested in arts. When he was young he drew things in his free time ( Some of them are still hanging inside his parents house) This passion in arts did not die when he was an adult too, but he drew paintings rarely when he was an adult. Maybe it was because of his attempt on avoiding cliche in his paintings. So he stopped drawing. After age of 70 Arinar stopped living with his parents, and moved to another house. He did this because he wanted to go on adventures from now on. Instead of living a peacefull life, and doing paintings; he decided to go on adventures an risk is life. So he borrowed a bunch of adventurer clothes, and started a new era of his life.
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