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  1. PixelMarc


    Quick witted and determined, Svein spends most of his day forging tools and weapons in his home. He was once destined to be a great blacksmith for Urguan, coming from a long line of blacksmith. He had a rivalry with his brother, Fromund, that was facilitated by their parents to create the best blacksmiths they possibly could. Svein worked as hard as he possibly could to surpass Fromund in blacksmithing and the next day Fromund would catch up. They grew up in this extremely competitive environment and they both quickly became the best blacksmiths in Urguan. However, after the Siege of the Chandelier, he couldn’t take it anymore. All the competition was affecting his health and he decided to leave Urguan. This gave him a bad reputation in Urguan but Svein has nothing against them. Now, Svein adventures the world with peaceful intents, befriending the people of other cities forging tools and weapons for them to use.
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