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Everything posted by pepsiman

  1. pepsiman


    Sorn Baenevris was born in the city of Vivec, he’s an only child, so in his house it was just his father, Yazgar Baenevris, his mother, Viconia Abbylan, and him. He lived a pretty normal life until Khel’igne, the volcano located near the city, erupted, forcing them to flee. While escaping, Sorn tripped and hit his head, leaving him unconscious; thankfully, he was rescued and taken to the Wood Elves to recover. Upon regaining consciousness, Sorn started to constantly hear a faint sound, but, since he could barely hear it, he didn’t give it too much importance. As time passed, the sound started getting louder to the point Sorn could distinguish a chorus of whispers. One voice stood out, though, it talked about things he didn’t know about, it was driving him crazy. One day, he decided to run away from his new home on Ker’nor (Axios), as he feared he would end up hurting his family due to the voices. Now, Sorn, unable to settle down and get a proper job due to his instability, is forced to rely on thievery to sustain himself. Since he has no destination, he travels from realm to realm looking for a solution to his problem, he wants to calm the voices in his head down.
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