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    High Elf

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  1. EdenCygnas


    But thats the name of my guy, not in reference to LoTR at all? i HAVE to chnage his name?
  2. EdenCygnas


    What do you want me to change in the Bio so that it matches the lore? cause i havent found anything in the lore that is wrong. And is there a preexisting charecter like mine that i dont know about?
  3. EdenCygnas


    Solan was the son of an elvish lord who controlled a small northern village until it was raided by the northmen. This village was formed by the small group from one of the only ships to reach their intended target, whereas the others seemed to disappear. Northman raided while most of the men were on a hunting trip, which left the village guarded by but 15 men, including his father. During the battle Solans father Solemiris was slain in battle along with the rest of the men, leaving only solan a mere boy of 12 to defend his family and their hall. Being a skilled archer and hunter, Solan was able to kill 10 men from the shadows, but that was only equivalent to one of the 3 raiders ships worth of men that had come aground on the coastline. Eventually he was forced to retreat up the hill and watch as his hometown burned, still the hall of his fathers stood and he was determined to protect it. Once the raiders reached the top of the hill were the hall sat they found a young boy with a bow standing between them and the hall. The captain approached slow and then got close enough to knock solas out. They then took him as a prisinor because of the great skill they saw in him. He was taken back to northern isles and was kept as a slave for three years until his will was nigh broken. Then the raiders took him from the status of a slave to an assassin for the Jarl. He became so skilled with the arrow he was able to bend his shots around corners and even raiders of his own tribe to strike enemies in weak slits in their armor. He even learned how to shoot an arrow straight during a windstorm. His greatest feat at this point was the Assassination of a Jarl, when he released a killing shot from over 250m to a boat in the middle of a ocean storm. Eventually he became tired of acting as a pawn for the men who killed his people. On an assassination attempt of the rival tribe he shot an arrow between the feet of the Jarl and then walked from the shadows to make a deal. He promised to help then destroy and take control of rival lands in exchange for his freedom. After the war he was granted freedom and was dropped off not far from a coastal city with nothing but a waterskin, apple, map, and a small knife. Unsure what to do he heads toward the nearest city, and according to the map thats Sutica. He doesnt think that he is in the country of his fathers, the stars show that he is now far south in Aegis, but where? he doesnt know for sure. as he journeys he notices some interesting wildlife, most interestingly a flower that burned, and a deer made from what appears to be crytsal. What a strange place Solan thinks to himself.
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