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Everything posted by L3gacyV1xen

  1. L3gacyV1xen


    Amaryllis grew up in Haelun'or alongside her two older brothers, her mother, and her father. She didn’t know much about her father as he worked out past Haelun'or but she had heard many tales from her mother which sprouted her admiration of him. Her father worked as an astronomer, studying the stars and planets of the galaxy. Every few months when he returned home from his travels she used to listen to his unforgettable stories about all the different constellations. One time, he let her go with him on his excursions, she wrote down every single thing he said about the stars and she was in awe the whole time. Her mother was quite strict but she was grateful for this as she taught her many manners and proper etiquette unlike her eldest savage brother who often got into trouble which then expanded her knowledge of first aid. Amaryllis studied lots of subjects including the history of Haelun'or, the various types of flora and herbology which she learnt from her grandmother who also taught her important knowledge about how times were living during The Great War and her own life experiences of witnessing the marriage between High Prince Native and Sorrius at the Sister City. As Amaryllis continued her studies she slowly became more curious of the world beyond Haelun'or. So she decided to travel through the various villages, towns and cities to find what she was looking for. However, she did not know exactly what she was hoping to find but she knew that it would be close and that she’d know what is was once she found it.
  2. L3gacyV1xen


    I hope this is better. ^-^
  3. L3gacyV1xen


    In the days of early spring, a wood elf girl was born to the land of Arcas. It had soon come to her parents mind that she wasn't all too similar to herself. The baby had small curls of white blondish hair but an olive tanned complexion. Not to mention Draenyries's ancestors were but the very high elves who settled into the hand-built settlement north of Renatus and west of Haense in 1707. This is how this young girl still had the rarity of white hair but her milky blue eyes as well. Through the course of the years this rarity in hair colour became less common as though her later ancestors were then just wood elves. The young wood elf girl grew up amongst the majestic flowers, and the wonderous wildlife that lived around her. On her excursions to the surrounding area of her home she used to see all sorts of strange creatures that she never grew up believing in, or never saw. From the teachings her Mother gave her about the potions she quickly started to learn about the plant which grows on water and stems red as blood escaping from a wound, bladderwort, said to help the injured with their bloodloss it'd be a perfect starter for the young Draenyries. She speedly moved on to how to brew this plant into a potion, which would be a much more reasonable way to consume it.Not knowing much about other aspects of life, as this was all she knew. As a young spirited and energetic child she couldn't not be curious about the other life in Arcas. So she set out, on a journey of her own to live amongst the many, the people similar or slightly more different to her. To expand her knowledge, but to meet new people too.
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