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Everything posted by bocata

  1. bocata


    Jan was born in a good situation, he was not a noble, but he had a comfortable childhood, his father was a skilled blacksmith in service of a noble. He arrived to Arcas with his family at six years old and settled in the Empire of Man with his family still in service for the noble. For the service that his father had done to the noble and for his wit he was allowed to recive formal education with the noble’s daughter. His live was a quiet and nice one until at sixteen years old he was discovered kissing the noble’s daughter and was thrown out in the streets. His own father disowned him for fear that the noble’s wrath will be directed to him and the rest of the family. Without any options he joins a mercenary band that will participate in the war of the two emperors. He would learn the basics of combat, but his main job would be reparing weapons and accounting for the band. He would not expirence the greatness and glory of war, only his miseries. He would bury many friends and write too many letters home to families that will never again see their sons and fathers. With 22 years old in the year 1721, the war will end and the survivors will return to their homes and lives. He decided to settle in the Federation of Sutica, a more liberal place, where people of humble origins like him could prosper. And prosper he did, he became quite succesful after opening a blacksmith shop. When he was 28 his bussines had expanded and he was a rich man, quite renowed with the Sutican merchants. But his heart was still pining for the noble’s daughter. He sold everithing and went back to Helena in the now Holy Orenian Empire with hopes of getting her beloved back. He was rejected and told by her that she was now happily married with another man, a noble that served in the army. Fate was not kind with Jan, for that night after being rejected, he decided to drink away his sorrows and found himself in a drunken rage demanding to fight his beloved’s husband. Not only was humiliated in the duel, that left him with more than a few scars but he was found guilty of attacking a noble. The trial was a mockery of what justice should be, he was a commoner and the other part a noble, the result was clear from the start. He had to pay a hefty sum to avoid prision or worst. Now, without his money and full of hate he wanders the world in search of opportunities for revenge, always hiding his true ambitions behind a kind smile and polite and charming discourse.
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