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Everything posted by Elliephantaaaa

  1. Elliephantaaaa


    Gwenivere was born a Heartlander raised with a more privileged lifestyle as she was born into a more wealthy family. Her mother was an old friend of Helen Horen (the architect of the city of Helena, in which Gwenivere and her family live) which gave them some advantages over other people. Her father and mother were only able to have one child so she was spoiled and smothered. Growing up she was forced to master many instruments giving her an amazing talent for music, although she didn’t much care for it. As Gwenivere grew older she began to question the strict ways of her parents and their parents, wondering if the monarchy was truly right that people could be born with certain rights and not have to earn anything for themselves, and being spunky and rebellious she did not want to conform to their rules and more importantly their religion. So, at the young age of 18, she was cast out for being a “heretic”. Her parents were so disappointed that they even stooped so low as to call her an “Iblees copy”, this was not an insult to take lightly. Not only had Gwenivere been banished from Helena but also by her own parents. Gwenivere has since then, for one year, been searching the world in hopes of not only finding a new home but herself along the way. Running around aimlessly for so long has made Gwenivere fairly skilled in hand-to-hand combat, seeing as she doesn’t have any weapon-making skills. In turn, she is also very bad at speaking with other people and has some very serious trust issues.
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