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    Val Meiran
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  1. Valameira


    Val does not know much about her past. She was born in a city whose name is long since forgotten to her. She was born to a family of merchants and received a good education as the family’s heir. When the family decided to take her on a trip with them their caravan was attacked by bandits. Her family and all she knew was lost to her. However, the bandits decided to spare her life to ransom her. No one came for her and as weeks turned into months they began to grow fond of the girl. The faces she remembered with joy were slowly replaced with those of her captors. After seven years she began to see the bandits as her friends and allies as they trained her to join them. Soon after she turned nineteen another bandit clan attacked their hideout. Val was again along in this world. Now she is a traveler looking for some purpose to her life. Though she is by blood a heartlander she is unsure what to call herself as she spent all those years in the wilds. The only thing she has to remind herself of her origin was her family’s heirloom: A pair of goggles that sits lightly upon her head. She tends to keep to herself but can be quite friendly once she has met you. Her family, like most humans, were beleivers in The Church of Canon that beliefs carried onto their child. Though much of their teachings and history were lost to her through the years she remains a believer.
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