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Posts posted by zzmarcc

  1. Former Lieutenant of the ISA Joseph Beckett would give a salute towards the sky with a saddened face upon learning the death of Amelia. He had never spoken with her much, but she was a comrade and they had fought on several occasions together. Another one bites the dust, Joseph thought as he went into some chests to forget about all the deaths of late...

  2. Joseph Beckett would sigh a deep sigh as he read the news of Diana's passing. "So first Rev passes and merely hours later Diana... More and more people from my childhood are gone. Soon it will just be me..." Joseph would mumble to himself. "Rest well, Diana. We will meet soon in the Seven Skies again. Maybe then we can finally catch up on all the years we didn't really speak," the elderly man would smile softly as he fell quiet, thinking once more back to the years of his youth and the adventures he had with Diana.

  3. Joseph Beckett would remember Madeline from the time in Old Providence, many years ago. He would remember the young energetic girl under his captain Vladrick swearing to become a knight and strong soldier. Only to disappear one day, like so many others. He would remember meeting her again in New Providence many years later to learn her fate. The old man would feel sad, but couldn't cry for her death, for he barely knew her after so many years. The aged man would simply sit on the walls of Balian, staring into the desert as he remembered the days of his youth and the meetings he had with Madeline.

  4. (Comes in very late for reasons)


    Joseph Beckett would receive the letter and thus the news rather late. After a trip for years in the wilderness he only recently returned to civilisiation and got the letter. The old man would feel empty after reading the news, not expecting Primrose to die sooner than himself. He would seclude himself into the vault of Balian, pouring himself a glass of alcohol as he stared at an old Orenian banner. "We have indeed had a history together, Prim... Even though we have had a fight for years, I still considered you one of my best friends..." The man would raise his glass, taking a deep gulp of the drink "I can feel my time is coming soon too... I will join you, general Var Ruthern and all others who have died in the last years and are now watching us from above... I will seen you again, Primrose. Till then..." Joseph would then drink his glass silently while he still stared at the banner, thinking about his memories with Primrose.

  5. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason


    Breach of combat rules. I left a CRP fight while it was still happening, so it wasn't possible to leave. Screenshot of my ban message: https://gyazo.com/c9e7b5f050d40b40d43e562def55c2ac


    What circumstances led to this ban?


    Note: I won't be using names, since they are irrelevant in my opinion. Feel free to message me if you do want to know the names for whatever reason. Back to the events: I was in Vienne, the capital of Oren. I rode in my old Imperial State Army (The former army of Oren before it got disanded after the civil war) armor and someone made a fuss over it. I attempted to leave, but they blocked my way and started the CRP. After a few emotes, where others also joined in, I thought this was the most silly CRP I had been in yet. At that point I felt like I didn't want to deal with it at all anymore, so I just emoted riding off and I rode off outside the city, effectively breaking the rules which stated at the time you can't move more than 4 blocks per emote. I was given the chance by the player who started it to return and finish the RP, but I didn't feel like it, so I didn't come back. A few days later I got banned.

    To avoid this is very simple really. I need to let the RP transpire, even if I don't like it or don't want to deal with it. You can't like all RP, but you still have to deal with it. I just need to take a deep breath, deal with it and then move on with whatever the outcome is.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    I agree with the ban itself. Like I explained in the events, looking back at it, it was obvious I was breaking the rules by leaving the CRP. However, I disagree with the duration. I think a 2 month ban for a minor offense as leaving RP is a bit over the top when others would get like a week (Without prior offense). I understand it's because I got a 1 month ban before for something similar and this ban needs to be longer, but I disagree with that system to punish people again for past rulebreaking. I can see moderation uses it to discourage players to break rules, but I am not a fan of it.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    A couple things really. I enjoy talking and RPing with the community. But I love RPing with my friends and spend time with them in game. So I wish to appeal to hopefully be able to do that again.


    Attach other relevant information.



  6. Lieutenant Joseph Beckett would hear the news with a paling face. He would go to the vault area of the bastion, laying out an old map from Providence that once hanged in the gatehouse, before the big rebuild. He would whisper to the air as his eyes peered at the bastion on the map. "We were so young when we met... You were just a lowly rank at the MoJ and tried to please anyone with power... You asked how you could help me, I let you do a search while I was on gate duty..." Joseph would smile sadly "You have certainly grown up ever since... You gained power and people wanted to please you..." Joseph would close his eyes and mumbled a little prayer before looking up at the ceiling of the vault. "May your soul find peace in the Seven Skies, old friend. I don't intend to join you anytime soon, but age is catching up on me. Who knows, maybe I will be the next of our generation to pass..." The man would turn around, disappearing in the dark of the bastion.

  7. Lieutenant Joseph Beckett would sit in his office, reading the letter to the army. After he finished said letter he would just stare at the door for minutes, almost expecting the deceased general to walk in as he sometimes did. After minutes of silently staring at the door his head would fall, his gaze meeting his desk. Being alone in his trusted office, his eyes would water and he would let the tears freely fall. 


    The aging officer would remember that day nearly fifty years ago when he stepped into the generals office after his conscription. The general was just a captain back then and the talk that followed had changed his life. He would think about it often, but now with the man gone, he just had to remember it. The man would finally lift up his head to stare at the ceiling, as if he could almost see the deceased generals spirit "You were always my captain, my general, the man I would follow without question. Now you're gone and the bright light on top of the ISA is gone..." the man would take a deep breath before muttering again "I meant the words I said during pay. I hope you find your well earned rest in the Seven Skies. I will join you one day..." The mourning man would then grab a cup and a bottle of wine, serving himself a cup of wine, which was maybe odd, given the man usually never drank any alcoholic beverages... He would recall many of the moments he had experienced with the general in the past fifty years, silently mourning the man he so greatly respected.

  8. Joseph Beckett would stare into a nearby fire after hearing the news of Kelhus passing. "For nearly thirty years we have hated each other," the lieutenant would mutter to the fire "And yet I couldn't help but hope one day we could reconcile and maybe get a bit back of our friendship before that faithful day, many years ago..." The man looks up to the ceiling, as if he hopes to see something that isn't there. "May your soul rest in peace Kelhus. You have done many terrible things to me in the past years, but I will forgive you. Maybe we can finally reconcile once I join the dead in the Seven Skies." the man would smile a bit at his last words as he would walk out of the room.

  9. 6 minutes ago, 1_Language_1 said:

    I would only vote yes if you could promise and deliver that the NPCS would be back in a week or under. Some of us have to make our living off of skin boutiques that USE npcs. You'd be cutting our hard work out from under us by removing NPCs for more than a week.

    You rather die every two hours after server restarts for ten minutes due to the extreme lag?

  10. MC Name: zzmarcc

    Character's Name: Rajir

    Character's Age: 5


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Created by the daemon Metztli, Kharajyr, or in short Kha, share many traits with felines. According to legends almost nobody believe in, Kha's were created on a paradise island, far away from any civilisation. They were a crossbreed of infants and ocelots and after centuries of perfection, the current forms of the Kha's (Kha'Tigrasi, Kha'Pantera, Kha'Cheetra and Kha'Leparda) are all failed attempts to recreate the Tlatlanni, the first Kha ever created and a pure white being. Whenever a Tlatlanni is in existence, they lead the Kha. After Metztli left the island paradise she felt neglected by her creations, so she left signs which were picked up by the Kha. They started to worship her and great temples were rised in her name. But it wasn't meant to last. A very arrogant Kha became the emperor one day and ordered to stop the worshipping of Metztli. Although this Kha was slain by his own son, Metztli was furious and the mountains around the city erupted, destroying everything the Kha had built. They were released into the world and came in contact with the other races. Many bloody battles followed untill almost no Kha's existed anymore.


    The Kharajyr are blessed with a thick coat of fur. When a Kha wears clothing, it's only for decorative purposes. Further they have much like felines the ability to hear better than most races. They also have the ability to see quite well in the dark. The Kha'Tigrasi are the largest and strongest of the 4 subraces. They often tend to be the warriors of the Kha. The Kha'Pantera are often black and can easily hide in the shadows. The Kha'Cheetrah is often the shortest and fastest. They tend to be merchants amongst the Kha. The last of the 4 subraces is the Kha'Leparda and they are standing in the middle of the subraces in height and build. They used to be priests, but now they do many professions. Remember, all individuals can be anything, but the above mentioned is what usually happens.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:

             I am aware


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:

             I do consent


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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