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  1. The_General343


    In a panicked attempt to save themself, a necromancer raised a skeleton to their command, however the necromancer was slain before the spell could finish, resulting in a confused and scared skeleton to be risen. The adventurer who had slain the necromancer took pity on the skeleton and did not slay it. Rather the adventurer took the skeleton on as their personal assistant, doing things such as polishing armor, cooking, and treating wounds. The adventurer named the skeleton Arenager and taught them how to speak Common. After following the adventurer for quite some time, Arenager was told to wait outside while the adventurer explored a cave. “I’ll be right back.” The adventurer said. So Arenager waited. And waited. And waited. Eventually Arenager started thinking to pass the time. After a year or two Arenager had forgotten the name of the adventurer who had spared them, but Arenager had come to the conclusion that they needed a new purpose. So Arenager set out into the world, ready to do… something. After some travel Arenager headed towards Sutica, hoping to find someone new to give him purpose.
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