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Everything posted by xginste

  1. xginste


    Linnear was born in a small native village deep in the northern woods with his mother Narria, father Lasbrag and Dog/Wolf Marlin. They had no seed because Linnear father committed a crime when he used dark magic in the capital city, and as a punish they were banished into the woods and was never able to return to any wood elf city especially not Linandria cause if they entered there they would be killed. So that's when Lasbrag started his own village in the deeps woods where nobody that wasn't supposed to be there could find it. and Narria didn't have a choice but to follow him even if she didn't want to because she knew that he was corrupted with the dark magic. After a while when they had settled down Lasbrag started using dark magic even more. but that wasn't enough the father wanted an offspring in the world and insisted that they would get a child so they did, and the name of him was Linnear... 20 years later. Linnear’s father got so corrupted, with the dark magic that he soon died and the mother was full of joy But didn't show it to the kid. so after that Linnear’s mother wanted Linnear to get a good life in the city of aegrothond so she said that when he turned 50 he would go into the city and start his own life. then the day came Linnear was now 50 years and began his journey into the city of aegrothond, but the Journey there was long and hard with many hard tasks that would test his ability to survive...
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