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Everything posted by Hadrian

  1. Hadrian


    As he was born, his parents were very rich and quite reputable, both being pure bloods, they let him know from a very early age, that he has to be proud to be a pure blood himself and not to spend time with impure elves, not to waste his words, talking to them, but to look down on them. In the schools, he was always a very interested listener, though even in classes with the most interesting topics, he regularly fell asleep, and often only listening half-hearted. Over the years he learned a lot about different topics, and forgot half of it again. But the few topics he only forgot few things of, rhetoric, strategy and jewel craftmanship made him quite known in his small town of only a few dozen elves. He had helped every single one of these elves more than one time over the years, without any payment. Slowly things changed, he withdrew from the public life and began a secluded one in the deep woods, only a handful of times a year going into the city and not helping, if he didn’t gain something for himself. He was rarely seen in the town, and if so, looked at strangely from the others, even his own parents. While he was away rumors formed, some said they saw them with humans, halflings and impure elves dancing in the woods, communicating with them, having fun with them, others saw him praying to unknown gods, neglecting knowledge and wisdom.” One day as he visited the town a mob quickly formed, lead by his parents, his father not even looking at him, and his mother screaming at him. The other townspeople joined in, calling him all kinds of things. The mob chased him out of the town back into the woods and closed the doors behind him. There he packed the most valuable things from his camp and from then on, travelled searching for a home. He was forced to live with dwarves, humans and all kinds of disgusting halfbreeds. His hatred against them grew more and more, as he saw how irrationally they thought, seeing himself as their savior, telling them how to do things. ~1480 he arrived in Athera, finding other elves to live with, his selfishness didn’t exactly give him a good reputation. Some years later other high elves murdered the human king. Provoking War He decided to hide, unwilling to fight and waited for the next ship to bring him away from this land. He began travelling again, he met more and more and more humans and other races, his hidden hatred against them one day bursting, as he stabbed his dagger into a man‘s throat, because he mistook him for a half-blood. He quickly threw his dagger at a bystander, just after that one got out of his shock and managed to get out a call for help. As the first torches lighted up and people stepped outside their tents. He knew he would have no chance to fight them, so he began running into the forest. Though slowly they caught up, his legs getting exhausted quickly, because of missing training. Only due to his luck he escaped by climbing up a high tree, as he had done so often in the wilderness, the humans ran around, searching him for hours, but never thought of looking up. Beaten by the humans he thought to be so weak, his hatred grew, to the point he swore to himself, he would provoke war between the humans, making them kill eachother. Nearly a decade he spent making plans to provoke a war, but it was all imaginary, until one day he chose to travel to Axios, knowing he had nothing to loose, but his life. He decided to live with humans, still hating them, being positive he could control them to make his life easier. Witnessing multiple sieges, ultimately leading to the dissolvement of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, he decides to leave once again, taking a boat to Arcas after a few more secluded years.
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