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Everything posted by Kowen

  1. Kowen


    Kowen Savio was born in the woods to a Farfolk mother and a Highlander father near Ves. Due to the nature of Kowen’s mother, they never truly settled somewhere, nor too close to cities. Always a visitor to every land they were allowed to stay on for short periods of time. That also meant no siblings, the first reasons being: too much to take care of. Second reason: losing Karia -who was Kowen’s younger sister- to the danger of uninhabited woods, she was 6. Isolated as he was, he made friends around his age and animals during the brief times when they lived close enough to civilizations after his’s sister’s death. It didn’t do him much good since a friendship was broken so soon after it formed, so eventually he stopped making friends when he was 11. Kowen grew up singing, hunting and fishing with his father, also learned the skill of building temporary homes, tailoring as well as dress making from his mother. Their primary language was of his father’s, ((English, I’m assuming? I’m still learning the lore)) due to the areas they live near. Though Kowen had strong interest for magic around 12, he never learned how to use them because his father refused to use or teach any magic to Kowen. And he quickly lost interest after learning the reason from his mother. (His father’s Fire Evocation abilities harmed his past family and he was banished from said family.) When he was 16, they settled down somewhere in the wilderness after his father had become ill and refused medical attention. Although Kowen sneaked in herbs with his father’s meals, it didn’t last long, his father died 2 years later when he was 18. That was devastating for his mother, she hated losses, so she stuck to Kowen like glue. Anywhere he went, she went if she could. Kowen tried his best to bring his mother along everywhere but fear got the best of him while bringing his mother to hunts. With that fear of putting his mother in danger, he refused to bring his mother when he went out to hunt. A problem arose when he started leaving his mother alone, she self harmed to the absence of her son, to loneliness, if it went over a certain amount of time. At 23, after a hunt that turned dangerous upon an encounter with a stray raider disguised as a someone in need, Kowen returned home late to find his mother dead along with the experience of killing a man for the first time in his life. He buried his mother by his father and left his home. Forever roaming and refuses to form relationships with others to avoid more losses, quiet from his reserve life style, and never settling. He craved the idea of a bond, to have a friend or a lover, but even now, 5 years after his mother’s death, insecurity, lack of trust for others and fear of loss gets to him.
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