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Everything posted by Convexical

  1. Convexical


    Ewell (or Elliot as his adoptive human family sometimes prefer to call him) is a young Elf of indeterminate ancestry. He was born to one of the only Elven families in his mid-sized hometown, in what was then the Empire of Renatus but is now the Holy Orenian Empire. He was raised by his human adoptive father, Jacen, in the Church of the Canon, but he feels a large disconnect between his Elven heritage and his Human upbringing. He loves his family including his two (adoptive) older sisters and one younger brother. However, he struggles with the knowledge that, one day, he will outlive all of his human family. To cope, he is estranged from all of them (only occasionally sending them messages about important events). His biological father and his adoptive father were quite close. As evidenced by Ewell’s adoption in the first place, but his biological parents abandoned him, their reasons for doing so are unknown to this day. His adoptive father, Jacen raised him with strict intentions for him to become a sailor, working on commercial vessels or merchant-navy ships. As is the family tradition, in Jacen’s family. Jacen truly does treat Ewell as one of his children, regardless of what others might say or think. Despite enjoying the opportunity to travel between Kingdoms more easily than he would’ve been able to on his own, the routine and the daily grind aboard ship didn’t agree with Ewell. Now 56, his contract with his latest ship is now up and he’s decided not to renew it. While he will always have salt-blood in his veins and salt-wind in his hair, he’s ready to find his place amongst landsmen. Whether it be rags or riches.
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