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Everything posted by tBee48

  1. tBee48


    Ilthyrra is a Mali’thill from a family of pure High Elves who hold their lineage at the greatest value before anything else, including family, and because of this Ilthyrra’s sister was removed and shunned due to her relationship with a human man. Ilthyrra left to study diplomacy, or so her family thinks. She had left to find her sister, and kill her sister's lover in hopes of returning her sister to the family. She and her sister were close but disagreed on race in terms of equality and keeping the family pure. Ilthyrra has tracked her sister's path down to somewhere in Arcas, and now she is wandering the land in secrecy. This is exciting and great news as her journey began nearly two decades prior and led her to dead ends. During her travels by ship, she learned a few things that would surely aid her later on in Arcas. With the Elamoira family being composed of social elitists that owning trade and merchant companies, Ilthyrra never had nor needed to learn much to defend herself. The stay on the ship, however, had many things to teach. She picked up a bit of this and that from the crew, mostly knowledge in drinks, but she also learned the basics of fencing. She had sparring matches occasionally with a Farfolk man. Although the many races aboard the ship made llthyrra uncomfortable at best, she knew she had to make friends if she wished to complete her goals. Another surprising friendship she had made was with a goblin who had tailored clothes better suited for her environment than the silk and velvet she adorned when first boarding the ship. He was kind to her and the only person she let her secrets reside in. She spent years on this vessel and although her racial pride remained strong, after finally docking in Sutica, a realization dawned upon her that “Maybe this is wrong. Maybe I am wrong.” but she shook it off. Ilthyrra kept her focus towards retrieving her sister but along the way, it wouldn’t be the truth if she told herself that she was unmoved and her core beliefs were not shaken.
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