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Everything posted by Snailah

  1. Snailah


    Born in to the rich city of Reza, he was a highlander by birth and attitude. Born and accustomed to their attitudes entirely, though -- wealth was one thing he put his mind on since birth yet nothing was to be granted in his early life for his family were rampant with their spending and did not have a sizeable income to back this up; therefore leaving Ash with little to spend for himself. Looking to step away from this life style he left his home at the earliest age he could, for him, this would be 16. His ambitions have changed since growing up after seeing what money can do to people and instead of having high ambitions to be a wealthy merchant he decided that his focus would switch to one of combatant. Brought up in the midst of Haense-Ruska he had saw some of the most skilled swordsman train in the square and march off to their wars. This is what he wanted to emulate, for he had a focus on being a capable swordsman. For the next two years he spent it working his way up and training with an assortment of melee-centric weaponry such as daggers, shortswords and spears. Perhaps one day you will encounter him in the continent of Arcas as a top militant.
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