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Posts posted by UniversalUnion

  1. Spoiler





    of the




    The Universal Union




           The House of Commons Elections of 1769 have concluded, and the Josephite Union has retained control of the legislature. To Jonah Stahl-Elendil, the new leader of the House of Commons, we congratulate you on your victory. To Amadeus d’Aryn, we applaud your rigorous campaign. To the newly elected HCM’s, we wish you luck in your civil service.

           Unfortunately, these results are far too familiar for most voters. The lack of legislative propositions in the last session of the House of Commons – let alone the lack of actual, tangible progress – is concerning. We need changes that can manifest themselves in a way that mean something to the commoner, in a way that can substantially improve the lives of the merchants, the workers, the soldiers, and to everybody in between, because if we continue on our current trajectory, we will not receive such substantial change. Both parties make wonderful promises, but rarely deliver in a way that actually means something to their constituents, or retract their statements made during the campaign. Both factions talk a big game, but when it comes down to the wire, they’re merely a body of men going to work in different coloured outfits. Promises are not kept in this two-party system, they are broken.

           In our latest poll, some 64% of respondents said that it’s time for the formation of a third party. That’s why, after approval from the Union’s staff and members, we’re petitioning the Crown to allow the creation of a commoner’s party, to appeal to those who are disillusioned by the current political system, and to provide them an alternative choice to the two-party dichotomy. We would champion the values of the commoner, and abide by the policies listed in the Union’s platform. We would be committed to a primary election system – something both parties have expressed interest in but have failed to initiate – and we would promise to propose more legislation than any other party. Even if in the minority, our party would be the lifeblood of our legislature.


    Join us, and sign the petition here.


    You will not be asked to join the Universal Union, to join this future party’s efforts, or to vote for said party in future elections. We merely need your support to get our names on the ballots.


    Abeyot Okoro, Union President

  2. Spoiler




    The Commoner’s News and the Official Publication of the Universal Union

    Vol. 2

    Godfrey’s Triumph, 1769




            “UNCHAINED” is an alternative newspaper, offering crucial political coverage to the commoner class. Our ultimate goal is to educate and inform the masses of the affairs of government, especially the happenings of the legislature, which will impact the lives of the average person. It is the official publication of the Universal Union, an organization designed to protect the rights of working people, and improve society for the many, not the few. If you wish to become a contributor for UNCHAINED, please contact the primary editor, Abeyot Okoro. ((Liam#7649))


    Pre-Election Polling Breakdown

    Join the Union President, Abeyot Okoro, as he breaks down data from the Universal Union’s latest and final pre-election polling data.


           The Universal Union placed a poll in the field roughly thirty-six Saint’s hours ago, and in that time, we’ve yielded some very telling results from a pool of forty-four respondents. We asked a series of questions, indicating how voters felt about political issues, the candidates, and who they intend to vote for.


    Which province do you reside in?



           Our hope was that more respondents from the rural regions of the Empire, such as the territories or The Pale, would participate in the survey. Input from denizens of all walks of life are crucial in polling data, in order to accurately reflect the needs of those living in the most removed regions from the Empire. Regardless, the same we received seems to be fairly representative of the Orenian population, for which we’re grateful. However, the results we did receive were not quite what we expected. Seemingly, the Everadines are playing incredibly well in Haense, for a province traditionally thought of as the Josephite stronghold. Similarly, in Kaedrin, the Josephite campaign effort has seemingly tipped the scales in their favor. Helena is still very much in play, with a vast majority of the “undecideds” hailing from the Imperial capital, but the Everadines can champion a slight lead.


    Here’s the breakdown of party preference by province;



    Everadine: 45%

    Josephite: 36%

    Undecided: 18%



    Josephite: 50%

    Everadine: 43%

    Undecided: 7%



    Josephite: 62.5%

    Everadine: 37.5%

    Undecided: n/a

    Which term most accurately describes your political leanings?



           These results were interesting, to say the least. Seemingly, the Empire is almost evenly divided when asked to describe themselves politically when their choices are isolated between progressives, conservatives, or centrists. Centrists took the smallest share of the pie, at 29.5%, and progressives garnered a narrow plurality of respondents, at 36%. Unsurprisingly, some 19% of those who described themselves as “progressive” stated that they intend to vote for the Everadines, while the remaining 81% said they’d vote for the Josephites. Meanwhile, however, only 67% of self-styled “conservatives” intend to vote for the Everadines, whereas 13% intend to vote Josephite, and a whopping 20% of conservative voters are still undecided. This would imply that the Josephites have a slightly more secure grasp on their respective “progressive” base, whereas the Everadine brand has recently shifted from conservatism to something we would typically categorize as being “economically progressive.”


    Which political issue is the most important to you, as a voter?



           This question inquired as to the voters’ most important, crucial political issue. A large chunk of voters – nearly a third – replied saying that some other issue was their top priority. However, there was another extremely popular option, being the economy. Out of those who said the economy was their top priority, 43% were Josephite voters, and the other 57% were Everadines. Economics has become one of the leading hot button issues this election, with a bold Everadine economic platform and a fierce effort to dismantle that platform from the Josephites. 


    Which party leader do you have a more positive opinion of?



           This question comes in the wake of the slight controversy regarding an Everadine missive, decrying Josephite leader Jonah Stahl-Elendil’s military record, which may have skewed results among respondents. However, out of those who said they had a more positive opinion of Mister Elendil, 22% said that they were voting for the Everadines. This would imply that, although Everadine voters are sticking to their party, some have admiration for the other party’s leader over their own. For comparison, among those who said they had a more positive opinion of d’Aryn, only 6% said they were voting for the Josephites.


    Would you support the emergence of a third political party?



           This question asked if voters would support the emergence of a third political party – no party of a particular ideology or political stance, just a third party in general – and a whopping 63.6% of respondents said yes. The Universal Union has been striving for official party status, as is our top priority, to give the voters more choices when filling out their ballot. Orenian voters are starved for choices between the two party system, and it’s high time that we form a workers party for the commoner class.


    Which party do you intend to vote for?



           Finally, we inquired as to how voters intended to cast their ballot, and the results were razor thin. A plurality – a one vote plurality – said they intend to vote for the Josephites, followed closely by the Everadines. The difference between the preferences of the two parties is well within the margin of error, and is by no means definitive. The Josephites have the home advantage, being the incumbents, but are harmed by the Everadine's admittedly impressive campaign push and resignation of popular president Terrence May. By no means, however, is this election over. No matter the outcome, we can expect the results of this election to be incredibly close.



    Party Report Cards

    The Universal Union has graded each party by allocating “points” to both factions, in intervals of five, depending on the party’s stance and how high of a priority that political issue is for us. We spent time combing through old legislation, campaign fliers, and responses from the most recent debate to determine the scores for each party. These are not percentages, and they are not graded out of a specific total, but are instead general evaluations of various policies provided by each party. The results were close, and a large reason for that is a lack of legislation in the House of Commons. The outcome of this report card only highlights the necessity of a third party, who will produce record amounts of legislation, and give voters an alternative to the two-party dichotomy.

    By no means, are we endorsing either party. Prior to this election, before the parties produced platforms with entirely new stances on particular issues, the results would have been vastly different.



    • Support for the legalization of third parties; +15

    • Promise to put an end to corporate monopolies; +15

    • Progressive income tax; +15

    • Support for a fiat currency backed by the mina; +15

    • Oren Works program; +15

    • National education plan; +10

    • Empire-wide minimum wage and pay scheme plan; +10

    • Passed legislation mandating that certain public servants cannot maintain business relations; +10

    • Infrastructure plan; +5

    • Price controls; +5

    • Disagrees that primary elections should be mandated; -10

    TOTAL: 105




    • Public endorsement of the Universal Union; +15

    • Progressive income tax; +15

    • Support for a fiat currency backed by the mina; +15

    • Support for a government backed stock and bond market; +15

    • Promise to end indentured servitude and wage slavery; +15

    • National education plan; +15

    • Increased legislative authority; +10

    • Infrastructure plan; +5

    • Sarkozy Commission; +5

    • “Open” to mandated primary elections; +5

    • ‘Laissez-faire economics’; -10

    • Corporate support; -15

    TOTAL: 90


    Debate Transcript

    The Universal Union, some two Saint’s days ago, sponsored a debate in Varoche Hall between party leaders Jonah Stahl-Elendil and Amadeus d’Aryn. A poll was conducted with a small sample size of twenty, asking voters who they believe won the debate, and 60% said they thought Elendil won, whereas the other 40% said they thought d’Aryn won. The debate was moderated by union representatives Abeyot Okoro and Vivaca Rutledge. The transcript is below.


    ((Big shoutout to PapiSimp for recording the debate transcript))

    Leadership Debate

    7th of Snow’s Maiden, 1769

    Varoche Hall, Helena



    Okoro: “Good evening, I am Abeyot Okoro, president of the Universal Union, joined by my co-host, Vivaca Rutledge, who shall magically appear next to me once she ceases the experience of technical difficulties. Tonight’s debate is between the leaders of both respective parties, Mister Jonah-Stahl Eldendil of the Josephite Union, and Amadeus d’Aryn of the Everadines. The debate’s format shall be as follows; we shall direct a question towards one of the two candidates, and allow the other to respond, followed by two more responses from each individual. We shall ensure that our debate does not exceed one hour. We shall also dedicate some time to audience questions. First, by way of coin toss, Mister Amadeus d’Aryn will deliver his opening statement.”


    d’Aryn: “Countrymen, I come to you today with a simple vision: a new politics for Oren. One where we combine social responsibility with opportunity for all. Our rapid and radical plans will ensure we restart our economy and get the ball rolling again. Today we invite you to join us in our vision, and invite you to our government.”


    Okoro: “Very well -- Mister Elendil, your opening statement?”


    Elendil: “My name is Jonah Elendil, and I want to thank you all for being here. I also want to thank the Universal Union for organizing this debate, as I believe you all have a right hear from us. Tonight, I see people from all over the great Empire gathered to hear about our visions for the country. You represent what is beautiful about Oren. I believe, and I hope you do too, that good government and civic engagement, and the enfranchisement of all Orenian peoples is virtue that should be guarded.” 


    Okoro: “Wonderful, I shall begin with our first question, directed to Mister Elendil -- What is the greatest challenge Oren is experiencing today? How can it be fixed?” 


    Elendil: “Today, I think Oren is facing numerous challenges, that the provinces are all feeling differently. Haense has an invasion on the Northern shore, Helena is fighting its way out of a recession, and Kaedrin has no stable garrison or constabulary. And all around the Empire, our economy is either faulty for some, or non-existent for others. Those are fierce challenges, but the people of Oren are resilient. And a Josephite government’s gentle guidance, and focused investment, shall see to it we raise more people out of poverty. Get Oren working the right way, and see higher engagement in each province.” 


    [A buzzer goes off.]


    Okoro: “Mister d’Aryn, your response.”


    d’Aryn: “I thank Mr. Elendil for repeating the platform of the Everardines, first of all. Our greatest problem now is in restarting our economy. Inflation is up higher than ever before, and prices are lower than ever before. This paradox has been created by years of mismanaged and lack of regulation on the part of the Josephites. They have not ensured stability, not gotten people back into work, they have not ensured that our nation shares in the prosperity that Helena feels, undoing this is our greatest task today.” 


    Okoro: “Mister Elendil, you've a brief response.”


    Elendil: “It’s always about undoing things with you, isn't it? It’s a long climb out of darkness, Mister d’Aryn and you are focusing on an aspect of a greater issue. And for one, you think inflation is up? How much is a bar of iron these days? Last I checked, seven minas. Now that’s very cheap for most folk. Yet the issue is, folks aren't buying like they used to. Folks aren't investing, we have to worry about deflation, and not inflation. It is why we are proposing an evaluation of the Imperial Mark. It is backed by a weak standard, the mina.”


    Okoro: “And Mister d’Aryn, a brief reply?”


    d’Aryn: “A vat of iron sells for roughly three and a half minas, give or take the varying prices around the Empire. The Josephites have no hold on our economy. They did not hold the ministers to account in the last session, they did not once hear a treasury budget either. Mr. Elendil states that I am wrong, whereas he has obviously misunderstood. Our currency is more inflated than ever, and yet prices are so low as to warrant goods being worth practically nothing. This isn't an economy, it's a Josephite farce.”


    Okoro: “Thank you, we’re moving at a good pace gentlemen.”

    Rutledge: “We will now move onto the next question. Amadeus, should those who earn more be taxed at a higher rate?”


    d’Aryn: “Ms. Rutledge, I believe in an economy that works for every Orenian, and where taxes are fair and proportional on those who earn higher revenues. I do not believe in an income tax that makes the poor worse off, but I do believe in a levy on bigger businesses, and those who have been handed a crown monopoly. It is only fair.”


    Cryus Basrid enters unannounced, holding a poster: “I have a question for the party known as the Everardines!”


    Okoro: “Sir -- excuse me, sir, but please seat yourself.”


    Elendil: “Q&A is later, Mister Basrid.”


    d’Aryn: “Mr. Basrid, you spoke only once in the entire session of the House of Commons and only now you decide to barge in unannounced?


    Basrid: “I will say my piece! I would like to know what gives you the right to question the military service of a man? I look upon all your faces and see nothing but green men, men that have never known the service of the military, you men do nothing but disrespect those that serve within the ISA.”


    Rutledge: “Sit down, please!”


    [Cyrus struggles for a bit, before being apprehended and removed from the hall by law enforcement.]


    d’aryn: “What we have done, Mr. Basrid, what we have done is increased the power of the ISA to levy fines in minor offences, whilst your benches sat on their hands doing nothing until the diet was dissolved by his imperial majesty. Your words are shockingly offensive, I resent them.”


    Elendil: “Gentlemen, please. This is a respectable debate on policy. You can talk about my character later.”


    Okoro: “Mister Elendil. Please continue, should those  with a higher income be taxed more?”


    Elendil: “Absolutely, but tax rates but be arrived at with careful consideration, and raised and lowered in all brackets, based on the needs of the realm at the time. Green Carrington needs to pay more than Otto Wittenbach. Just based on pure numbers alone. And these numbers must rise and fall with the needs of the economy and the Empire as a whole. So it’s too easy to say ‘the rich must pay more,’ because yes. What else? We need to think deeper than that.”


    Okoro: I'm sorry, but no time for responses from either of you, we must move along following that disturbance. Mister Elendil, would you support legislation allowing additional parties to enter the electoral playing field? Currently, we’ve monopoly on the two party system, and I want to know what you both think of that.” 


    Elendil: “You know. I think that we have gotten a little caught up in this back and forth between the parties. That we haven't really thought about that enough on either side. What I do know, is it that is not a power the Diet holds. That right alone lies with the Imperial Cabinet.” 


    Okoro: “Regardless, would you support passing a resolution, airing your support for such political freedoms? I would like an answer on this from the both of you.”


    Elendil: “I must admit, I do not know. Humankind shouldn't be shoehorned into two political schools of thought, as we are not a binary people. It is not my decision nor the decision of the diet. Personally, I say let’s talk about it.”


    Okoro: “Very well -- Mister d’Aryn, your response?”


    d’Aryn: “Original proposals for the Imperial Diet included a third faction to be mandated to the House of Commons. I am in support of such a proposal should it ever reach the light of day again, which I very much hope it does. Two parties does awfully for attendance. As we saw in the last session, the benches which got a majority failed to maintain over three individuals each sitting. A third party would change this dynamic, and increase the competition.”


    Rutledge: “Thank you for your responses, gentlemen. We will now move onto the next question. What can you do to decrease the unemployment rate, and get more Orenians working again? Mister d’Aryn.”


    d’Aryn: “Our economic policies are radical and massive. We will legislate for an ‘Oren Works’ program to give government backed jobs to anyone who wants it, with the aim being virtual full employment in Oren by the next session. To support these jobs and the Orenian people, we likewise propose a national wage, setting a minimum for all workers. This would be enforced and backed up to the full extent of the law. Set at a moderate 105 marks per annum, and increased by ten percent subject to review every two years.” 


    Okoro: “Very well, Mister Elendil, a response?”


    Elendil: “You can't pay people if there aren't businesses, Mister d’Aryn. You're advocating for government business, not small business. Oren Works won't work. Instead we in the Josephite Union, if you elect us to the majority, will launch the Sarkozy Commission. Which will look to subsidize small businesses and new start ups, with tax credits and potential loans, based on necessity. This will increase Oren’s employment on Oren’s terms, with a guiding hand from the governments. Not a boot on the neck, that can halt all mobility all together.”


    d’Aryn: “Mr. Elendil doesn't speak for the facts. The Josephites have proposed subsidies and incentives since their foundation, and did nothing with it when they had a majority - at all. Government backed jobs would increase our prosperity around the board.”


    Elendil: “Government backed jobs don't exist if there is nobody who can pay for the workers. The government cannot be the source of people's income, it must be the people. People for themselves. How can you talk when your party is composed of rich nobles and bishops? And not business people like us Josephites.”


    d’Aryn: “What is the ISA, Mr. Elendil?”


    [Incoherent rambling between d’Aryn and Elendil]


    Okoro: “I think now we should proceed to our Q&A, please raise your hand if you have a question -- yes, you there.”


    Karl Amador: “Mister Elendil, Mister d’Aryn. Over the past Saint’s hour, you’ve shown determination and partisanship. You’ve shown to be willing to fight for the ideals you stand for, but I believe that in the end, it is important to remember we all serve a common goal. Therefore, I’d like to call upon the bipartisanship of both of you to look beyond your differences, and tell us something good about the other candidate that you admire or respect in them and what makes them a good candidate for the job.” 


    Elendil: “If I may?”


    Okoro: “Certainly, Mister Elendil.


    Elendil: “Thank you, Karl. It’s men like you who can remind us to take a break from the competition. Sometimes you need a good kick in the ass from people. So I applaud you. Amadeus, you are my friend. Your respect for tradition, and the Church, taps into an important part of the Orenian heart. It is something we all share as Orenians. But you talk about it the most, and I respect that about you.” 


    Okoro: “Very lovely, very nice -- and you, Amadeus?”


    d’Aryn: “I admire Mr. Elendil’s tenacity and his determination, he has big ideas and he can write a bill well, even if it does get denied imperial assent. And he is much taller than me too.”


    Elendil: “Right… well he’s right about one thing. I am tall.”


    Abram Stalistena, in Raevir accent: “Mister d’Aryn, your previous remarks seem to show vy have literally niet idea how economics works. Ya am Premier grocer and meat-monger of Reza, so Ya can make speaking on this. Inflation is when prices of good and services grows, it is higher, it inflates. However what we have am deflation, prices am so low that merchants can sell hundreds of their wares and still niet feed their families. Prices are universally something across empire, to point that vy wish to mandate raising them! But you call this inflations? So yam ask vy; How can we trust you to run our economy when you do niet understand this most basic concept.”


    d’Aryn: “I’m sorry, I could not find much of a question in that. By inflation, I specifically refer to the inflated value of our currency, the Imperial Mark. Currently, a mark exchanges for one mina. The trouble about our economy is that we have such an inflated currency, but prices are remarkably low. This means that the value of goods become so low as to not have a great deal of value at all.”


    Stalistena: “That am niet how it works. That am niet how anything works.”


    d’Aryn: “That is why I say that our economy does not exist. I agree with you, nothing works. We have to solve it. Prices are low, the value of money is low too. We have too much of it.”


    [The debate’s transcript ends here.]




    of Imperial Workers, Commoners, and Allies


    Now Accepting Members



           The Universal Union is happy to sponsor a debate between both party leaders in the upcoming national legislative elections, to decide on the composition of the 1769 House of Commons. Two parties will viciously fight for control over the legislative body – The Josephite Union and the Everadines. Voters will decide if they are satisfied with the current Josephite administration, and if they trust Jonah Stahl-Elendil to fill the shoes of Terrence May, or if Oren is ready for a new party’s leadership in the form of Amadeus d’Aryn. Both men are hopeful to become the next leader of the House of Commons, but one will be sorely disappointed.




    The moderators shall be union representatives Abeyot Okoro and Vivaca Rutledge. Moderators are impartial, and will treat both candidates with a “tough but fair” attitude. The moderators will ask questions related to the Universal Union’s interests and political platform, investigating to discover which candidate is more representative of the commoner class. The debate shall take place for approximately one Saint’s hour in Varoche Hall. Candidates will each have a period to answer questions given to them, and a shorter period to respond. However, we may moderate to our discretion.

    ((Both candidates will typically receive two message’s worth of responses per question. I.E. we will ask candidate A a question, candidate B will respond, candidate A will reply, and candidate B will conclude.))


    IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION that you wish the candidates to answer, please submit your name and the question to the Universal Union’s representatives ((Liam#7649)) and they will be considered as part of the debate.


    We wish both candidates good luck, and hope you can come to spectate the Universal Union’s 1769 Leadership Debates.

    ((WEDNESDAY, VAROCHE HALL, 3:45 – 4:45pm EST))

  4. Spoiler




    of Imperial Workers, Commoners, and Allies


    The Atheran Kestrel is depicted within a red star. Often a symbol closely affiliated with the De Rolle Rebellion in the early 1500’s, the Atheran Kestrel is associated with democratic values and the city of Felsen.

    13th of the Sun’s Smile, 1768



    A membership forum is stapled here, ready to be filled out.


           The Universal Union, established only some four seeds ago, has already witnessed tremendous success in the beginnings of public policy discussions improving life for the average commoner, as well as establishing an alternative media source, delivering stories of interest to the disenfranchised and marginalized Imperial citizens. The Universal Union is a lobbying and advocacy group, swearing to uphold the emboldened spirit of the commoner class, and to protect their well-being in the workplace. We work day and night, conversing with politicians to pass legislation supporting the Empire’s laborers and exploited peoples. The end goal of the union is to create a society concerning the needs of the masses first.


    By becoming a member, the Union shall mail you your own membership card, detailed here;



    Upon becoming a card-carrying member of the Universal Union, you will be guaranteed the following privileges;

    • Professional assistance in collective bargaining efforts
    • Free-of-charge legal counseling, either as a defendant against unfair charges, or a plaintiff taking on powerful interests
    • A vote on union matters, such as the election of committee members and vital policy planks
    • Guaranteed seating at Universal Union conventions
    • Advanced issues of our union publication, “UNCHAINED”

    Union membership is entirely free. There will be a vote in the near future to decipher union membership dues, in order to pay for our operations, our employee salaries, and our headquarter maintenance.


    A membership forum is stapled here, ready to be filled out.





    ((Liam#7649 / Papa_Liam))

  5. Spoiler


    UNCHAINED Vol 1.

    The Commoner’s News and the Official Publication of the Universal Union

    14th of Tobias’ Bounty, 1678





           “UNCHAINED” is an alternative newspaper, offering crucial political coverage to the commoner class. Our ultimate goal is to educate and inform the masses of the affairs of government, especially the happenings of the legislature, which will impact the lives of the average person. It is the official publication of the Universal Union, an organization designed to protect the rights of working people, and improve society for the many, not the few. If you wish to become a reporter for UNCHAINED, please contact the primary editor, Abeyot Okoro. ((Liam#7649))



    Quick Headlines:

    • Josephites Maintain Narrow Margin in the Polls
    • President Terrence May Resigns
    • The House confirms Jasper Carrington considered for Interior Secretary
    • Peter II Coronated as King of Kaedrin
    • Interview with Jonah Elendil
    • Interview with Amadeus d’Aryn




    President of the House, Terrance May, Resigns


    President Terrance May, speaking at the Second Josephite Convetion, delivering his resignation speech.


           At the most recent Josephite party convention, held in New Reza, long-time civil servant and President of the House of Commons announced his resignation, both from the legislature and his post as party chair. It was initially a melancholy moment for many at the convention, with the distraught room chanting “Four More Years!” The tone then switched to revolutionary optimism, as party officials and future candidates took the stage, and eventually dubbed leading Josephite, Jonah Stahl-Elendil, the new party leader. Should the Josephites maintain the majority of seats in the next election, Mr. Elendil will be the presumptive President. Below is a transcript of President May’s resignation speech.




    Morning in Orenia

           Thank you, thank you all for attending. Let us begin in 1715, where the fight against oppression was waged. The Nenzing Proclamation brought forth the notion of a sacred social contract between the governed and the governing. Here we stand, freely electing our officials and holding those who hold power to account. My fellow Josephites, I am proud that we are here to forge the discretion of our future! We are gathered today under the generous auspices of the Northern Geographical Society.

           I thank the good director Celestine Herbert, a staunch supporter of our cause, for her support and hosting us. We are here because we are reminded of what an enlightened era has brought us. Advancing education, knowledge, and intuition has led us into a period of unprecedented growth. We must be champions of this movement. Today, we face many new challenges and an opportunity to improve the lives of our people. We are the side with a heart of gold, pledging our service to champion the dignity of all in Oren. Our goal is to advance the cause of liberty, the cause of businessmen, and the cause of the farmer.

    Up and down this country, people are seeking something new. They have found that they have yet to find the necessary support to help them prosper. Our message is to forge a compassionate society, welcome all who seek to build on a future that works for all of us. I have been serving as an elected official in the Imperial Diet since 1736. In the last thirty-two years, I have devoted my life to work towards many goals. From legislation that promotes transparency in the legislature, to the institution of juries, to the promotion of business and labor opportunities, to the increased funding to our clinics, to the passage of civil unions, it has been my pleasure to uplift every sector of our Imperial livelihood. In both times of war and peace, this body has stood to defend the values of a compassionate society. We, as a convention and we, as a movement of people across the Empire, we have done this and more!

           In the last election, we campaigned on a promise of many things. We have sought to promote education, fairness in property laws, and reforming our justice system. We need to keep the vision consistent, firm, and unyielding. Our campaign must be broad and bold. It must comprise every sector of our society. Everyone who calls themselves a Josephite, be they noble or common, finds themself to be a valued partner in our vision. We must reach out not to the frontiers and the fringes of society, bringing together those who are seeking change for the better. Those on the other side like to prey on fear. . . They want to draw out the gloominess of an Orenian wave of change. I ask you all this -- why fear a future of change rather than control it with our deeds and convictions? 

           As you know, they campaigned that we are a movement that is anti-Church and secularist. So let me bring up scripture as a way for us to find our message. The Holy Scrolls tell us that we must be charitable, sharing the abundance of our bounty to others. The Josephite Union is a union that negotiates and speaks for all! We must protect the cultural fabric of Oren, respecting the rights of individual people. We must uphold the provincial character of our Empire, maintain accountability of government, and strengthen our bond with our fellow people.

           My friends, in this spirit. . . I recognize that this movement must be energized to represent the new generation of leaders seeking to bring change to Oren. With change, we also see that new leadership is in order. I am proud to say that my last four decades have been in your service. Now, I no longer hold the strength needed to carry on this fight with what I believe one needs. At our second convention, I remind you all that power must be transitioned peacefully. We must relinquish our authority and respect the changing tides of the electorate. Power concentrated in the hands of one or a few for far too long is a dangerous misstep towards tyranny. For some, I have known for most of my life. Others, I have just met, and I thank God for giving me the chance to learn your stories.


    Let it be known that at this Second Convention of the Josephites, I hereby announce my resignation as your Chairman.


    - Terrence May, 1768


    Interviews with Party Leaders, Amadeus d’Aryn, Jonah Stahl-Elendil

           The leaders of both political factions in the House of Commons, Amadeus d’Aryn of the Evardines and Jonah Stahl-Elendil of the Josephites, were willing to give their perspectives on the upcoming elections for the national legislature. We shall, for now, leave their viability and dedication to the voters at the reader’s discretion. Both leaders maintain that they strongly believe their party will be successful in the next election, and one of them is sure to be disappointed. Elendil maintains that the Josephites have a winning strategy, communicating with people across the Empire in their hometowns, whilst the Everadines are rolling out an ambitious new platform they hope will appease voters. Each party has stated that they are delivering a new slate of fresh faces to the electorate this upcoming election.


    Amadeus d’Aryn


    OKORO: Firstly, I’d like to know what progress you think the Everadines have made over the course of the last session?


    d’ARYN: Excellent. Firstly, I’d like to know what progress you think the Everadines have made over the course of the last session?



    Truthfully, I read a missive -- something about non-partisan judges and penalties bill.



    We live in a unique time, where we have the destiny of the very world in our own hands for the first time in a century. Our institutions have grown tenfold, and so we now have the opportunity to properly legislate out of wartime needs. We have made brilliant progress, contrasting to the Josephite’s lackluster all session. We have now submitted five individual bills to the House, while they have only uniquely authored one of their own. Our Non-Partisan Bill has ensured that justices cannot align with political factions. It still amazes me how this was not legalized beforehand. The Fixed Penalties bill likewise ensures swift justice to criminals committing minor offenses, so that we may not have prolonged trials whilst still guaranteeing the right of the individual. This supported our boys in red and blue. 



    I see. How many new candidates are you running in the upcoming election compared to your incumbents?



    All current Everadine members of the House will continue to be on the list unless any convention reorders it, and therefore we will be introducing six new faces to the faction.



    And in the upcoming election, do you believe the Everadines will take control of the House?



    Yes. We will win because we believe in a collective social responsibility towards and between the citizens of the Empire over state control, and we bring a new energy to politics that the Josephites have been lacking for many years now. 



    Can you tell us what’ll be on the agenda, should the Everadines take control of the House?



    Our agenda will be fully described when we release our manifesto, which is coming very soon. I can tell you and your readers, however, that it will include an expansion of the judiciary, new plans for a national infrastructure project, a reformed criminal justice system, a promise on the expansion of open government and transparency in decision-making. Although, I wouldn’t want to spoil it all too soon, we have a lot coming.



    Are legislating primary elections as a formal part of the electoral process on that agenda?



    No, although I am constructing an internal proposal for a primary system for the Everadines, which will work in a fair way and guarantee representation of the people. It is not practical to force another faction as how to deal with their internal business. 



    Final inquiry, do you believe voter turnout will be up or down compared to the last election?



    On this one, I am not too sure. Of course the momentum of the first election will have increased voter turnout to great heights, and so naturally, we may see a decline this time around. I encourage every one of your readers, however, to sign up for the census as soon as possible, and to vote Everadine when it comes to ensure that we create a big society for everyone, not just the few.



    Mister d’Aryn, thank you for your time.



    Jonah Stahl-Elendil


    OKORO: I’d first like your thoughts on what progress the Josephites have made this past session?


    ELENDIL: I won’t lie, it wasn’t as good as it could have been.


    And why’s that?


    I mean, it was good! We’ve scrutinized and confirmed every judge that came our way. We created the Ministry of Education. We revised the ORC so juries make more sense and can be established with greater ease, as well as made it so the ISA and Provinces can carry out the law more efficiently in their domains. Later today, we’ll have bi-partisan standing rules as well. But. . .




    A lot of our older members are comfortable with where the Empire is -- and they should be! We have made considerable progress the past few decades in the Senate and House of Commons. Yet the progress achieved yesterday doesn’t mean that perfection is found in today. It’s largely why we’re running youngblood candidates.

    And how many incumbents are you planning to run?


    The list needs finalizing, but four to five is my best answer. Really, it comes down to running the ones who knew things weren’t perfect, and running new people who have bold ideas.


    And the upcoming election, do you believe the Josephites will retain control of the House?


    I do. And largely because we’re meeting our voters where they are. Me and my colleagues are traveling across the Empire, finding candidates, largely common born, in their communities. We’re trying to get to the root of the frustration folks have for the economy and, maybe even the government itself. I think we’re listening the most, and asking the right questions. I don’t like making too many promises, because it’s easy to get carried away. And then things don’t end up happening. But what we do commit to, comes from the bottom up.


    I see. Can you give us some insight as to what’ll be on the Josephite agenda next session?


    We’re going to hammer that out tonight at the convention. But I believe we’ll need to make sure our bureaucracy works. 


    Are you saying it doesn’t work now?


    It’s getting there -- you can see gaps just walking around Helena, though. The library closed down. The Livery only just dealt with their abusive landlords, and a lot of houses and shops are empty now. I don’t think there’s blame to place, either, but we need to make it so these things can work efficiently, and that participation is consent.


    Final inquiry -- Do you think there’ll be room to legislate and codify the process of primary elections next session? We know it’s something being considered on both sides of the aisle.


    I’d have to look into it, but I am very open to the notion. We want the most participation possible. The Senators of the past government had an obligation to the voters, not their parties, to succeed.


    I’m sorry, another question. Speaking of that participation, do you expect voter turnout to be higher or lower compared to the last election?

    Higher. Definitely higher.


    And how’s that?


    Like I said before, we’re meeting people where they are. We’re inspiring new voters. We’ve started a census drive to turnout voters from every corner of the Empire.


    Thank you for your time.


    Please contact Abeyot Okoro ((Liam#7649)) with inquiries about reporting for UNCHAINED.

  6. Lobbyst – Private – Annual Wage: 300 Marks.

    The Universal Union is hiring full-time lobbyists to promote government legislation. You will be tasked with communicating among statesmen and politicians, influencing votes, and running political operations which aide the interests of commoners, the working people, and the marginalized. Manager: Abeyot Okoro / Papa_Liam / Liam#7649


    Reporter – Private – Annual Wage: Variable, Commission-based.

    The Universal Union's newspaper "UNCHAINED" is hiring reporters and writers who support the advancement of the interests of the Imperial commoner. You will be tasked with rigid and aggressive reporting, closely following a legislative agenda, interviewing politicians and statesmen, offering election coverage, and potentially writing your own editorials on state affairs. Manager: Abeyot Okoro / Papa_Liam / Liam#7649

  7. 12 hours ago, sergisala said:

    "I really like this, but how do we make sure that this Private Executive Authority of the Helena Stock Exchange with no control from the judiciary will not abuse its powers to benefit a specific company? This Stock Exchange should be regulated by an Act of the Imperial Diet to give more security to the investors, because otherwise this system can generate a lot of corruption and power-abuse from the managers of the Stock Exchange." a citizen of Helena would comment, giving his opinion as he hears the news.


    11 hours ago, EddyTheBrave said:

    A Carrington courier drops a several signed letters to the Durant Group’s stall in Helena, though susceptible to the public.

    “I’ve been anxiously concerned for the day this concept re-emerges, and lo and behold, another stock exchange emerges. I myself have been interested in the idea, until researching past the surface level. Expert economists and wealthy private businesses, such as yours, have attempted this several times through history. The result however, was always a failure attributed due to impossible objectivity and regulation of stocks.

    Your proposal, like those in the past, will have stocks and shareholders’ mina dependent upon the interpretation of company representatives, who for obvious reasons, will have their own subjective interest. Even if the empire or crown itself decided to be the ones auditing and defining stock values instead of companies, for obvious reason there is much room for corruption or bias interest. From what I read, the Bank of Marin from Felsen was accountable for manipulating stocks and shares in a stock market they created. So it is concerning a company such as yours, the Durant Group, also oversees and values the stock of other competing companies. Please do not take offense as my criticism, for as a Helena business owner myself I’d love to help develop this idea further should you request my contributions. 

    To condense, the reason why stock exchanges in history are impossible to objectively maintain and provide true accuracy, is because there has never been another impartial organization((like the S.E.C. irl) to dictate stock value and interpret the monetary progress of companies. It is impossible to avoid insider trading and corruption when a company creates and regulates a stock market for other companies.”


    • Signed and sealed with a signature C&C wax logo



    The Durant Group returns the letters to the C&C complex next-door.


    “To whom it may concern,


    We appreciate the feedback and concerns from fellow business conglomerates such as yours, as you will be our primary users. We wish to dispell some rumors, which are reinforced from the details in our charter. The value of stocks are not determined by the Helena Stock Exchange’s board of company representatives, this board exists for a fair decision making process and to determine a chairman in a process soon to be announced, once representatives are chosen. There will be no instances of insider trading, as the equations for the price of shares is publicly available, and so shall a record of the transactions taking place – in other words, individuals may calculate the prices for themselves.


    It is agreed that it is not ideal for a private company to be managing a stock market, but consider the following;

    1. The Durant Group has no sustainable income outside of transaction fees as of now, after the nationalization of our railroads and the closure of our casinos and taverns. This is our primary focus, and we will not be participating in the market ourselves as of present.
    2. In the scenario that the Durant Group does launch new business ventures, chief executive authority will no longer be in our hands. It will be shifted to whomever the neutral chair is, we are simply pioneering this project as of now because nobody else will, and we need to get it off the group, as a public stock market is something we desire.

    If a company prestigious as yours wishes to participate in the market and sit on our five-member board to ensure the neutrality and well-being of the market, we would be honored to have you.”


    - Durant Goldhand


    [!] There is no wax seal, as there was not enough money in the budget to afford one.

  8. [!] The sounds of money fill the streets of Helena.




    Helena – the city of big business, rising industry, and a new market for virtual capital investments. In the last four decades, the likes of extremely successful companies and corporate conglomerates have dominated the Empire, and many of them are based here, in the heart of the Empire. That’s why the Durant Group saw it fit to open the Helena Stock Exchange, a neutral arbiter and outlet for companies to sell portions of ownership in their companies to the public, and subsequently, for the public to then trade those shares. This offers the opportunity for both companies and consumers to benefit from the glories of capitalism, wherein investors can potentially make a substantial amount of money buy purchasing stocks whilst they’re at a low price, and reselling them when they increase to a higher price. An ingenious concept. Other companies had used a system of garnering investments prior through a share-system internally, but those prices were mostly static, not open to the public, and most importantly, not subject to competition. Now, companies across the continent can register with the Helena Stock Exchange and take the next leap towards a new, global economy.




    All info below is subject to change at any time.



    CURRENT ADDRESS: Nauzica Square Stall 2


    HOURS OF OPERATION: Weekdays, 3 – 4pm EST






    Contact Durant Goldhand with inquiries, or to register your company with the Helena Stock Exchange.




    ((If any other players have interest in helping us create a functioning stock market or have any feedback to give, it’d definitely be more than appreciated))

  9. [!] The long awaited casino, situated in the town square of the one and only Golden City, finally opens its doors.











           The Snake’s Den Casino is the newest venture in a string of companies founded by Durant Goldhand. The Snake’s Den is located at Sabo’s Sq. 1, Formerly a landmark tavern in Ves, the facility was purchased by Durant Goldhand in 1729, to be reformed into a high-class casino, the likes of which have never been seen in history. Small gambling institutions have existed throughout the ages, but none have withstood the test of time, nor been able to garner such a robust consumer base. In the Golden City, the fortress of opportunity, this once fanatical notion can become a reality. For both the businessman and patron, this institution serves to provide an incredible amount of entertainment to our customers, and a center of economic development for the city’s residents. In addition to providing a venue for gambling, the Snake’s Den also offers multiple other services to our patrons, such as alcohol, venues, and VIP benefits


    Photo Album:











    Image result for poker chips png


           Casino tokens – sometimes referred to as casino chips or poker chips – are the central currency used when placing bets in various games. The casino sells these tokens for their corresponding denominational value, and you can then bet the equal amount in any game. These tokens exist for the purpose of easily counting minae, preventing fraud during gameplay, and for easy transfer of winnings from one player to another. After you’ve finished gambling for the night, you can then redeem your tokens at the same location for 90% of it’s original value. This is because the house collects 10% of the earnings on all winnings to keep the facility running, pay employees, and afford to payout larger prizes to our luckiest winners. It’s the house’s primary source of income. Don’t worry – you’ll still keep the vast majority of your winnings, as you are entitled to!



    YELLOW – 25 Mina

    RED – 50 Mina

    BLUE – 100 Mina

    PURPLE – 200 Mina




    As for the actual games provided by the Snake’s Den, we currently provide four official games: Cretzer Craps, Poker Dice, Goldhand Roulette, and Chicken. As of right now, those games should suffice all essential gambling needs, but in the near future we plan to expand our selection to include Ulug Blackjack, Vesian Chess, and even automated gambling machines with new-age technology!


    ((OOC NOTES))

    • Note that either due to in-game restrictions, or for the sake of simplicity, many games have been dulled down to accommodate for server limitations. Even if you think you understand the basis of a game – which is helpful – I’d implore you to read the full-length rules below to play the game properly.
    • When placing bets, there’s a small chest underneath/next to each table. Place your tokens in this chest. The winner may freely take the tokens they are entitled to.
    • All actions are reflected by using /roll




    Players: 1+

    Maximum Bet: 200

    Difficulty: Easy


           Goldhand Roulette is anticipated to be a more popular game, due to it’s simplicity and effortlessness. Roulette is the only game that requires a dealer present to operate, as instead of playing against other casino patrons, you’re playing against the house. This is a game found almost exclusively in casinos, and is beloved by novice gamblers for it’s simple rules and luck-based victory. The objective of the game is to place bets on different numbers, and to hope that, after a ball is flung into a spinning wheel, one of your numbers is selected. Due to it’s simplicity, multiple players can “play,” and theoretically can hold as many players as the dealer feels comfortable handling in a single game.



    1. Approach the roulette table, and the present dealer. Ensure you have your tokens on your person, otherwise you will not be allowed to play.
    2. Tell the dealer what type of bet you’d like to make, and for how much. You may place multiple bets on various different locations on the board, so long as your total bet does not exceed 200 minae.
    3. When the dealer says “NO MORE BETS,” no more bets may be placed by any players, and the game begins.
    4. A ball will be rolled into the wheel, and shall land into one of the 37 slots. If the ball lands into a number you’ve bet on, you shall be appropriated the proper payout in tokens. If not, your tokens are returned back to the house.



    • REDS, 1:1 – If the ball lands on a red number, you will receive twice your original bet.
    • BLACKS, 1:1 – If the ball lands on a black number, you will receive twice your original bet.
    • EVENS, 1:1 – If the ball lands on an even number, you will receive twice your original bet.
    • ODDS, 1:1 – If the ball lands on an odd number, you will receive twice your original bet.
    • LOWS, 1:1 – If the ball lands on a number 1 – 18, you will receive twice your original bet.
    • HIGHS, 1:1 – If the ball lands on a number 19 – 36, you will receive twice your original bet.
    • COLUMNS, 2:1 – There are three Column bets; 1-12, 13-24, and 25-36. If you place a bet on any of these and a number in your column is selected, you will receive thrice your bet.
    • DOZENS, 2:1 – There are three Dozens bets; top row, middle row, and bottom row. If you place a bet on any of these and a number in your row is selected, you will receive thrice your bet.
    • SQUARE, 6:1 – This bet is placed on four numbers sharing one corner. If the ball lands on any of those four numbers, you receive 7x your original bet.
    • STREET, 8:1 – This bet is placed on any three adjacent numbers in a column, going straight up and down. Payout from this is 9x the original bet.
    • SPLIT, 10:1 – This bet is placed on any two adjacent numbers, and offers a payout of 11x the original bet.
    • STRAIGHT UP, 12:1 – This is a bet on any single number. Payout is 13x the original bet.


    ((Payouts are expected to gradually reflect actual roulette payouts as the casino becomes more stable.))




    Players: 2

    Minimum Bet: 25

    Difficulty: Easy


           Chicken is a simplistic card game, formulated by bored tavern-go’ers. Players are granted stacks of cards descending in numerical order, and are both to rapidly play their hands unto the table in front of them. The game can be played starting with cards labeled at either 100, 50, or 25, depending on the length of the desired game. The objective is to be the first individual to draw a “One” card.



    1. Both individuals are to place a bet of identical amount.
    2. Decide who’s to go first. If there’s disagreement, flip a coin ((/roll 2))
    3. The first player will draw the top card ((/roll 100, 50, or 25))
    4. The card drawn will then be the highest number the next player can draw ((/roll the number drawn by the previous player))
    5. The other player then continues the process, until one of the pair have drawn a one.
    6. If, at any time, either player feels as if they may lose, they may call “CHICKEN” to keep half of their bet (A quarter of the pot). Calling “CHICKEN” essentially means you forfeit the game, but keep half of your bet, while your opponent receives ¾ of the pot.
    7. If neither player calls “CHICKEN,” and the game ends in drawing a “One” card, then the victor will keep the entire pot.



    • P1 /roll 50, gets 34
    • P2 /roll 34, gets 27
    • P1 /roll 27, gets 12
    • P2 /roll 12, gets 4
    • P1 /roll 4, gets 2
    • P2 /roll 2, gets 1, wins





    Players: 2 – 4

    Minimum Bet: 50

    Difficulty: Moderate


           Cretzer Craps has been a staple gambling game for the last century. In the 1640’s, the Landsknecht Soldiers had to find ways of entertaining themselves while also keeping their games quick and easy so they could play them between duties, picket and sentry shifts. The game is relatively fair for all players involved and is hard to best with cheating, which are two upsides to incoming players. The objective of the game is to be the first player to roll a 7 or 11.



    1. All players must initially agree to bet the same amount into the pot. On any respective player’s turn, they may opt to raise their bet, so long as another player is willing to match them.
    2. Before the game or round, each player will roll one of their die (/roll 6) to determine who goes first when the game starts. Highest number wins. Once the game starts, turns will be taken clockwise from the person who rolls first.
    3. Once the game or round begins, the starting player will roll both their dice (/roll 12). Players will take turns doing this until someone wins or all but one are eliminated. Every player doesn't roll their dice at the same time.
    4. Each player is trying to roll a 7 or 11. If the dice land on either of these numbers, the person who rolls them wins instantly. Other players do not roll their dice and the game ends right there.
    5. If a player rolls a 2, 3 or 12 they lose instantly and must sit out until the game is complete.
    6. Any other number rolled neither wins nor loses the game. You simply await your next turn.
    7. The victor keeps all the chips in the pot.




    Players: 2 – 6

    Minimum Bet: 25

    Difficulty: Advanced


           Poker Dice is an essential Vesian pastime. Enjoyed originally by local guards, the game has expanded to become the Kingdom’s most beloved game, perhaps next to chess. The game involves using regular numbered die, but rolled into a cup by all players to receive their “hand.” The goal of the player is to receive the best hand, in accordance to traditional poker rankings.



    1. All players must initially agree to bet the same opening amount into the pot – usually 25 mina in low stakes games, 50 in high stakes games.
    2. All players then roll their 6-sided dice five times, to create their hand.
    3. After all players have their initial hand, any player may opt to raise the bet, either as a method of intimidation or a route to gain more chips when encountered with a potential win. All players must then either respond by matching the bet (Or, if the don’t have enough to match,  to go all-in), or folding. Folding is a strategy used by players who’re pessimistic about their odds of winning, and don’t wish to lose anymore money.
    4. After raising, any player who wants to re-roll any of their dice may do so.
    5. The new numbers received are the players’ new, and final hand. The individual with the highest ranking poker hand is the victor, receiving the pot. If there is no clear victor, the tied players may re-roll once again.



    • Five-of-a-kind, where all dice are of the same value
    • Four-of-a-kind, where four of five dice are of the same value
    • Full House, where you have one pair and one three-of-a-kind
    • Six High Straight, where a 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are rolled
    • Five High Straight, where a 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are rolled
    • Three-of-a-kind, where three dice show the same value
    • Two pairs, where the player has two separate matching pairs of dice
    • Pair, where two dice match
    • Junk, where all dice are mismatched





    Our most valued patrons are granted VIP status, with additional perks to accompany their status. Individuals either pay for this privilege, or are given the status directly by management. There are various tiers to VIP membership status, all accompanied by their own special perks.



    3,000 / month

    • Highest priority status for wait staff
    • Receive privilege to speak with any member of high management and owner at will
    • Bottle service
    • Drinks are discounted by 75%
    • All room and venue reservations are comped
    • VIP Lounge access



    2,000 / month

    • High priority status for wait staff
    • Receive privilege to speak with any member of high management
    • Bottle service
    • Drinks are discounted by 25%
    • Room and venue reservations are discounted by 50%
    • VIP Lounge access



    1,500 / month

    • Bottle service
    • VIP Lounge access






    “Game Nights” are held once a Saint’s week. During game nights, there will be discounted drinks, raffles, roulette tables staffed all night, and the possibility of live music.

    ((Game nights will be held every Wednesday night, from 8pm EST – 10pm EST.))





    Our multi-purpose room is available for reservations! You’re allowed to book the upper floor multi-purpose room for private events, for only 300 minae / Saint’s hour. You’ll be given traditional wait staff service, should you so desire, and are given permission to furnish the floor however you’d like for your event. Additionally, you may also book the entire casino for 1,000 minae / Saint’s hour. Speak directly to Durant Goldhand to make reservations.


    (( Message Papa_Liam on Discord with any inquiries, at #Liam#7649 ))

  10. [!] An employment flier is posted, primarily around Ves.





           The Snake’s Den Casino inhabits the center of Ves at Sabo’s Sq. 1, the Golden City, the global capital of gambling and finances. It exists as the property of Durant Entertainment Industries, a subsidiary company of The Durant Group. Formerly a landmark tavern in Ves, the facility was purchased by Durant Goldhand in 1729, to be reformed into a high-class casino, the likes of which have never been seen in history. Small gambling institutions have existed throughout the ages, but none have withstood the test of time, nor been able to garner such a robust consumer base. In the Golden City, the fortress of opportunity, this once fanatical notion can become a reality. However, in order to operate such an ambitious project, employees and laborers are required. That’s why we’re hiring individuals to become the lifeblood of the Snake Den.





           Although a casino, the Snake’s Den is still functional as an alcohol-serving tavern. We require individuals who can properly manage the drink and food orders of parched gamblers. This position requires servers who can manage many instructions simultaneously, and has superb communication / customer service abilities.






           Any proper casino needs bouncers and pit bosses to ensure there’s no rough-housing or funny business. As a bouncer, your job will be to ensure that any and all conflict is taken outside of the casino. In addition, you must keep an eye out for anybody who might attempt to cheat their opponent – or the house – while playing a game. To perform this task, you’re required to be physically threatening, strong, and able to resolve conflicts at your own discretion whilst not upsetting the balance of the casino.





           Our customers expect excellent service whilst gambling. That’s why, as a member of the wait staff, it’s your job to cater to the needs of our patrons. Bring drinks to the tables upon request, take their food orders, fetch other staff members when conflict arises. In addition, the “bottle girls” are tasked with bringing the most expensive bottles of alcohol to the VIP lounge upon request. They are also asked to keep our highest profile customers happy with their experience at the casino. You are the face of the casino, and as such, must have superior charisma and catering skills.





           As an external position, we require partnered companies that can manufacture and deliver drinks to the casino on a semi-frequent basis. Reliable brewers are all welcome to ship us their liquor, so long as it meets regulations and standards as enforced by the Imperial Food and Drug Administration.



    • You must be at least eighteen years of age
    • You must be in adequate legal standing
    • You must be able to report to the casino without any exterior assistance
    • You mustn’t practice any forbidden arts, nor be of unworldly origin
    • You must be willing to wear the company mandated uniforms


    Not all applicants will be accepted. Some applicants may be refused due to inadequate qualifications. Other applicants may be refused due to a shortage in the necessity for the required position.


    To apply, please contact Durant Goldhand ((Liam#7649)) directly.







    In the year 1727, the Alfred Myre Memorial Rail, linking together the Golden City of Ves and the Imperial Capital of Helena, became operational. Now, in 1730, it is open to the public, allowing civilian customers to ride the rail line. The Durant Rail Company, a subsidiary of the Durant Group, poured an estimated 34k mina into the project, combining material, labor, and land usage costs. Regardless, this piece of industry serves as a great advancement in transport technology, connecting an Empire which was severely fractured only a mere decade ago. Although functional, the rail still has a long way to go before being officially “complete”. Nonetheless, customers can still purchase a ticket at either station for a mere nine minae. The automated technology which makes these rails and ticket dispensaries possible are still in their infant stages, and are subject to malfunction. Any such issues should be reported directly to management ((Liam#7649)). Stations can be found in both Helena and Ves, leading up to their respective main gates. In addition, there are shops situated at each station, available for purchase at 300 minae / Saint’s month.


    We would like to thank the following people for making this line possible;


    The investors, who gave their coin in the name of the advancement of industry

    The managers, who worked tirelessly to harness the financial security of the line

    The workers, who laid each spike and dug every tunnel

    Our future patrons, who may enjoy the railroad for centuries to come


    ~ Durant Goldhand, Chairman of the Durant Group

    12th of Owyn’s Light / Malin’s Welcome, 1730


    ((The current ticket dispensary system isn’t perfected, but is operational. As such, everyone with complaints, suggestions, or qualms should PM me directly so that we can fix it.))

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