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About Xynthesis

  • Birthday 08/19/2000

Contact Methods

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Character Profile

  • Character Name
  • Character Race
    Dark Elf
  1. Xynthesis


    Born in a small village in the outskirts of Adria, His parent’s abandoned him since he was “Different”, He was raised in an orphanage and he went to the village’s school, he was always a troubled child, His anger always kept him from making friends but he met a girl who truly understood him, She was forced to leave the village when her father found a new job to work as a blacksmith in Renatus since they were struggling to keep their business going since the small village didn’t have many travelers buying weaponry and armor from him. When he was 20 he left his village and took a carriage to Fenn where he spent most of his life there, He’s always been keen on exploring the forests and hunting as it was the only time when he felt like he was free, and people wouldn't be around him to judge him since he was always given the cold shoulder by others when he was growing up and never really liked to be in crowds. Later on when he turned 43 he spent his time working as a blacksmith after having working with a blacksmith he befriended 10 years ago, He worked as a blacksmith for a couple years and grew tired of making weapons so he decided to go back to adventuring, He hit the road and went on exploring ruins, He met a few people along the way and decided to settle down in Fenn once again and he’s been staying there since.
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