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  • Character Name
    Lucy Drakin
  • Character Race
    forest dwarf

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  1. xXJesseSeikoXx


    I never really knew my parents I've been wandering the forest since I was 5 years old at some point I was found buy an elf name Connak. Connak took me in and raised me as her own we basically acted like you were sisters she taught me how to fight and Connak saw the animals love to be around me they were told me things the animals would and I felt at home whenever I was with the animals but I was also very shy person going to go to talk to very many of the people or anyone for that matter but I did what I had to if needed. I will look around the forest I seek out Adventure in any way possible. I guess you could say I love looking around for different places caves mountains Hills and Valleys Canyons you name it what were those Adventure I was there and then every different place I would find new animals to tame and and bring on my adventures with me so I wasn't always alone I have all different kinds of animals around me it didn't matter what it was but I always came back home see what Connak was up to see if she needed help with anything at all and I will always tell her my adventures and everything and why Ben and will be going next so she wouldn't worry too much
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