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Everything posted by Nirdagut

  1. Nirdagut


    Delmuth was born in the wilds and as taught to fend off of the land since he was a small child. His family was one of the major practicing ilmyumier. In addition his families seed was one that went back many generations that could have dated back to the times of Malin, but many of the people who did know those stories were sadly no longer with them. When he was able to leave his small village, he left, to see what the world had in store for him. He has ran into many different troubles and has seen many different things, but nothing can behold the beauty Haelun’or. As a wood Elf he was looked down upon by everyone else there. His first instinct was to cut the throat of anyone who looked at him, but doing that in a big city...in public..might have been a bad idea, so he kept to his self and learned the layout of the city, wanting to learn everyone there and make friends. Once he did he made a name for himself as an adventurer and that bring us to today, where he lands somewhere where he has never been, who knows what adventure might come his way, and people he shall meet.
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