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Everything posted by sombiesniper56

  1. i have went trough it again and have revised it.
  2. sombiesniper56


    Willus was born in a pretty wealthy family, in Helna. He has 1 brother and 2 sisters. willus grew up and became an hard working boy making lots of money with his father working in the mines. after his father died, he struggles with anger issues and ocd when people are not doing their job correctly. he has a good way with his words wich helped him develop good relations with the people from urguan. hes a nice young man and is a very hard worker willing to do anything it takes to succeed. he works a lot to surrport him and his family but couldn't make enough money to keep his family's debt cleared. as his struggle continues it couldnt get worse until his mom passed away with a deadly diseases and his siblings go off on their owns. he still strives to be the best that he can be. hes still trying to find the man hes ment to be, while working hard and trying making it somewhere in life. He now works as a miner for a childhood friend of his, Edward Dayne.
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