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Everything posted by Korsow61

  1. Korsow61


    Edited; I see my definition can't fit in the submission box so here it is: Powergaming is defined by a scenario where your or another character is suddenly carrying out an unrealistic or unfair action. With unrealistic is meant that the character performing it, shouldn’t have it or didn’t have it before the scenario started. Things like “Hey this castle wall is in front of us, ‘Don’t worry’ said the dwarf, ‘I’ll just jump over it with my super strong jumping strength’”. Essentially lore breaking things.
  2. Korsow61


    In appearances, Naldriël is typically like many other Wood Elf’s. Although there is one trait that makes him stick out. He's a bit short for a Wood Elven male and is despised for that reason. During his youth other kids would pick on him for the same reason. After a while, Naldriël realized that he didn't enjoy the company of other Elf’s. These were same people who tormented him his whole youth. They certainly didn't call for any affection of him. His parents didn't seem to be too proud of him either. Each year Naldriël became more distant of his own people. The constant bullying turned into being ignored. Ignored slowly turned into complete isolation. Even his parents didn’t speak to him anymore. Eventually it was becoming hard to live his life. Around the age of 28, Naldriël decided that he had enough of the bad treatment he’d gotten all these years. He set out to leave his home city ‘Irrinor’ (actual place in the lore). The first few days seemed easy, he started with eating berries from local bushes. But having been isolated for the biggest part in his life led to the fact that he didn’t know what was would be safe to consume. He was lucky for the first few times he the ate unknown berries. But after a while he got unlucky and severely sick. Just barely overcoming his sickness made him realize he had to learn some skills if he would continue this outside life of his. Years passed as he started learning how to hunt and craft certain useful items. He learned to make leather, fletch a bow and feather arrows. After a while he was able to shoot and kill an animal from over a 1000 ft. (human IRL record stands at 930.04 ft.). Local Elf’s started noticing an active hunter on their grounds, not realizing it was Naldriël, seeing as he changed a lot in his outcast years. This led to a hasty chase by other Elf’s fearing it was a human who had uninvitedly entered their grounds. Naldriël was eventually chased out of the woods near Linandria. He slowly moved through thick forest towards away from the plentiful Elven lands, towards the scarcer human forests. Not being able to sustain himself the same way, Naldriël was forced to quite literally hunt for a living. He started selling his spoils to the nearby human settlements in exchange for bread, vegetables and fruits. After a while he completely left his homeland ‘Laureh'lin’ and traded it in for a new and fresh continent: ‘The Land of Arcas’. Over the years, the humans started trusting him more and more. But like al the Elf’s, Naldriël mistrusts humans. He typically only trusts a few, the merchant who always buys his more expensive kills, the local tanner who happily buys the animal skins and the vegetable and fruits merchants. Now, having reached the young age of 59, he still lives the same life he was forced to, although today, he lives in the area between the Talus Grove and the kingdom of Cladewynn. He liked this part because it vaguely reminded him of his youth and home. Having no real properties to his name and just a little bit of cash. Naldriël travels around to keep the hunting grounds fresh, forcing himself homeless. He likes this life, although he wishes for warmth and love and more stability.
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