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Everything posted by Archerlady123

  1. Archerlady123


    Zoella was born in a generally middle class (not poor not rich) family, who lived in Aegrothond at the time. Her family didn’t consider themselves true wood elves because their bloodline included several wood, high and snow elves (mother is high elf, father is wood elf) but she always felt more comfortable with wood elves. Growing up Zoella’s family (her and parents) often moved from Aegrothond to Haelun’or, where her other family (grandparents) lived, although they also visited Oren and Urguan. This frequent moving around resulted in her not having many long term friends growing up. She had always been home schooled, due to the moves, with her mom being her teacher for academics and her father teaching her handiness and more survival based skills. Due to her fathers love of travel they never were fans of politics and whenever visiting places they stayed unbiased to political matters and issues. Her mother died from an unknown illness after the attack on Haelun’or by the Black Scourge, Zoella and her father then decided to stay in Aegrothond. She’s been living in Aegrothond since then, but her father has been traveling off road, near Curan, and spends less and less time at her house with years in between visits. But he always brings her gifts from his travels. She makes a living sewing blankets, clothes, and curtains as well as beaded jewelry and small nick-knacks she makes in her spare time. She is friendly to the locals whom she sells things to and other shop keepers, although isn’t great at keeping close friends, due to the lack of them during her childhood.
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